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Katrina's POV

I'm totally about to die.

And at this point, I can't even be mad at it. I did get myself in this situation, Klaus had saved Aria while I had been the distraction. He told me to meet him on the second floor and then he'd come and speed me away to safety too.

If I don't die, highly unlikely, but if I don't, I'm going to really commit everyone.

I'll start working-out. Squats and lunges every day. It was not the ten-foot red dog that defeated me, it was those fucking stairs.

I was already regretting not going first instead of Aria to be saved after racing up the first five steps. That mutated Clifford dog with sharp ass canines and flappy ears was on my ass by the sixth stair.

But it was the seventh that fucked me over.

I had tried to jump up two steps instead of one, but that seventh step wouldn't let me be great.

I closed my eyes during the fall, so I can't attest to how pathetic is was to watch me drop onto my face and then slide belly and tits down the steps until I landed at the mutated Clifford the Big Red Dog's feet, but I'm guessing it had been pretty bad.

I've never seen a dog fucking laugh before.

But life is all about new experiences.

I glare and pout silently as the skinniest man in the most ridiculous outfit I have ever seen, grips my arm tightly.

We were standing on the roof of the school looking down at the empty parking lot in silence. After Fido went nuts and howled like a bitch in heat, the entire school had been evacuated at least an hour ago.

We had watched the police and animal services drive off five minutes ago after not finding the horde of wild dogs everyone had believed was inside the school.

I had seen no sign of Dice, but knowing him he was waiting somewhere far away for this imbecile to deliver me and Aria. Dice didn't really like to get his hands dirty, which was no surprise.


I can't take it anymore, we've been standing up here for two hours, doing absolutely nothing. Aria and Klaus were for sure long gone, and honestly, I really didn't want to see Blue right now.

My confidence can only take so many hits a day.

I had tried to use my powers, but every time I started to draw them up, this bitch would growl and start shaking me, telling me no.

And considering he had large dagger like canine teeth, I was willing to listen until I found a distraction large enough for me to deep fry him and run.

Nothing was happening, so I had nothing to do but wait and watch.

"What the hell are we waiting on? Can we get to where ever you are supposed to take me? I'm going to scream if we stand here for a second longer. What the hell are you doing? The moon won't be out for you to howl at for at least six more hours! What are you-" I snap only for him to tug me into his chest, shoving us closer towards the edge of the roof. "I take it back! I didn't mean it!" I hiss trying to dig my feet into the ground as this man drags me closer and closer to death.

"He's finally here," the guy laughs giddy with excitement.

We both lean over and watch as the front doors to the school are shoved open hard. Blue steps out like a furious god, his blue suit hugging every delicious muscle of his body as he storms forwards before stopping and looking up at us.

Fury is etched into his inhuman eyes as he glares up.

The school wasn't huge, so the roof was only two stories up.

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