Big Red

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Katrina's POV 

It is official now.

I am going to hell, and Blue Doom is going to send me there.

I've been sitting in this geometry class for the past twenty minutes, stress sweating like a nun in a whore house, trying not to think of look on Blue's face the last time I saw him.

Which was a total of twenty-two minutes ago.

I know now that I might have overreacted, but I was nervous, scared, and didn't know what to do.

That was the first time anyone had done something like to me, the first time I had ever felt anything like that.

I can admit that I freaked the fucks out.

And I do mean fucks, as in multiple were freaked.

I was boneless on top of that desk, he was still kneeling before me, like I had been royalty. And the way he was looking at me, it was still that extremely obsessive look swimming in his eyes, but now there was something more, something a bit softer that I had never seen before.

Something that still had my heart doing that stupid freefall thing it was occupied with.

So, like any emotionally damaged woman who knew better but might also have extreme avoidance coping mechanisms, I realized I needed to get the fuck away from him.

All of these different thoughts were pelting into my mind entirely too fast.

And then there was one thought that just started to scream louder than any of the other ones.

How would I ever let him go?

So, like I said, I freaked the fucks out.

It wasn't like in a movie, or on TV when the scene just fades out and suddenly everyone is comfortable and closer than ever.

I was looking down at a full-blown psychopath with anger issues. One who had kidnapped me. One who was on America's Worst Villains list.

And my heart was still doing that fucking thing.

I panicked.

Plain and simple, which is why I do feel bad about what I had to do next.

But it had to be done. Especially when he opened his mouth and was obvious about to say something, something that was either going to kill me or damn me, and I wasn't emotionally prepared for either.

It's why I had to do it.

I had to kick Blue Doom, dangerous villain extraordinaire, right in his beautiful fucking face.

I wince as I see his neck go flying backwards and him tilting backwards onto his ass.

I don't know what he was going to say, because after I kicked him like a soccer ball, I hauled ass out of that room and sprinted to my next class, stumbling into the room, late and dishevled, and so out of it that I haven't even said a word to Aria.

I can't believe I did that.

He's going to kill me.

Actually, kill me this time.

But, if we are going to point fingers, he was the one who put me in that fight or flight mode. Should I have kicked a Super in his forehead after he had just made me see stars? No, probably not. Actually, I probably should have sat down and written him a fucking thank you card, because my god, was he talented.


Stop thinking about it.

I tug self-consciously at my skirt, hoping no one is able to tell that I have no underwear on anymore.

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