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I woke up laying on my side to sunlight hitting my face through the curtains. Yawning I moved to get out of bed but when I pulled the covers off of me, I was restricted by a muscle being hand across my waist hugging me tightly towards a warm body.

Images of what took place last night flash through my mind making me blush. I still couldn't believe that I did that and I was now officially the girlfriend of Jacob Díaz.

Well maybe not that official yet

We are official, dumbo

I rolled my eyes of my inward mental conversation then turn to see if he was still sleeping but a view of his tattoo chest came into my eyesight. I look up more to see that his eyes were still closed so I took that as my opportunity to explore and touch him freely hopefully without him knowing.

First I slowly trace and trail very speck of vein that was popping up to his muscular bicep to and across his broad chest.

Then I inch my way up to his neck making little foot steps with my fingers with my eyes following every movement I made. It was like his throat had damn muscles too but I didn't stop there, I carefully made my way up to his eyes stopping every now and then to make sure he was still sleeping.

I touched his perfectly trim eyebrows then his nose. It looked a bit crooked up close probably cause from all the fights he might had gotten himself in but none the less it still look good.

His long eyelashes gracefully kiss the top of his cheeks peacefully. How could a man have such long eyelashes like these. Next were his lips. They were full and pink and I couldn't help but trace the outline with my finger tip. I wonder how many women he had kiss overtime to achieve such a skillful tongue and mouth but I couldn't think of that now, I need to touch his hair. I really wanted to feel his soft long hair between my fingers again, running my hands through them last night wasn't enough satisfaction for me.

Watching him this close with his breathing fanning my forehead, he look like a true Spanish guy, there was no doubt but I wondered if he is mix or just a pure Spanish breed. His hair wasn't all that curly so maybe he is mix.

Combing my hand through this voluminous shiny hair with my fingers I grin. I didn't have long nails so I couldn't have scrape his scalp so I gently massage it with my hand.

That caused Jacob to let out a deep moan from his chest tightening his grip on my waist, pressing me further into his body. I must admit that his moans were very...


Image how he sounds during-

I don't think that's very appropriate to think about in a time like this

This is a very appropriate time. More than appropriate actually. Get stepping and get some...

The moment I stop, his eyes snap open looking down at me.

"Don't stop, baby. Continue", he groan out closing his eyes once more.

With his hand gently rubbing my lower back now and the other above my head I continue to do what I was doing. It either felt good or maybe I was doing it right from all the manly moans he was making.

It was long before I felt something poking at my stomach making me stop in an instant. I didn't know that massaging his scalp and combing his hair with my hands would make him arouse.

I peered down to see a big tall tent poking at my stomach begging to be release from its restraints

I knew from the sharp intake of air from Jacob that it was probably painful or he was shock to see that I had notice that his little guy was up. Maybe not little is the word to describe it.

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