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I was just on time on the campus where Biology was just so grateful to greet me in the morning for my first class. The University had these courses and programs that you could take separate from what you were majoring so I took the opportunity and that’s where I met Sarah, one of my best buds. She had the beauty where almost all the men on the campus swoon over her. She was a great friend who was well off with money and had a super friendly and out going personality. She was popular due to her parents riches and so she got anything she wanted.

Some people were racist to my skin color and so I was bullied when I first came here but not as often now as I hang around Sarah and my other popular friends. There was Luke, with incredible dark forest green eyes (black hair and fair skin) and Hope and Justin with there captivating height and natural white hair with electric blue eyes. They were protective but loved and supported me.

As I near my seat I saw Sarah, she wave and call out to me, “Vanessa!”

Smiling, I sat next to her. “Ugh! I miss you so much. How are you?”, she said while embracing me.

“Sarah, I saw you yesterday but anyways I’m good. What about you?”, I laughed.

“I know, I know. I am just playing with you. I’m good but I must say you are looking like my dessert I ate yesterday!”, she replied scanning me from head to toe.

With a dramatic expression as if I was shocked I laugh looking at her. She begun to laugh as well but soon we were cut off when we saw the man I was very fond of him ever since I came here, Jacob Diaz. To Sarah, it was crush but to me I just took a liking to him. I was too old for crushes.

He was tall. I probably would have to bend my head back just to look at him if I was up close. He had very visible muscles and was very handsome with grey sliver stormy eyes fitted with a firm and structured jawline. With the skin tone he was rocking, he looked Spanish. He wasn’t a play boy to me more like anti social most times I saw him but he had friends.

I had things that needed more of my attention than crushing.

I had my mind set on one thing and that was to get a better life not to crush on a man who didn’t even know I existed and probably had a girlfriend or wife somewhere…

“Ouuuuu, look whose staring”, Sarah grinned looking at me.

I smiled and turn to see Jacob take a seat to the back of the class. Just as he was about to look up from his seat I looked away just in time to see our professor Mrs. Davis walked in.

Biology started off boring but it turned out pretty interesting as she went deep into the reproductive system, teaching us things I never knew about down there. Although, my mother’s teachings were quite raw and descriptive at a young age when she catch me looking at a mature scene in a movie too long. The other classes weren’t bad but kind of boring.

Classes were finished for the morning so I stroll through the cafeteria where my friends sat at a table. As I was walking to them, Jacob caught my attention. Sitting there with a girl on his lap she was kissing him, I assumed it was his girlfriend so I just scroll on by trying ignoring them. However, the twins were the first to spot me as I took a seat next to Justin.

“Hey Ness!”

“Hey. What’s got you guys so high today?”, I joked.

“Don’t say that too loud, everyone would know we smoke”, Luke joked, nudging Hope.

“ Well isn’t that interesting but you guys look different today. What’s up?”, I question again looking at Luke for an answer.

“Well-“, he began to speak but was interrupted by Justin.

“I’m going away!”, Justin blurted out.

I stared at him for a minute but he continued when I was about to give him a full head on interview.

“ I going on a business trip with my Dad. Its only for a few days. Remember I’m taking over the company soon.”

“ Oh, why didn’t you just say so!”, slapping him on his arm.

He pouted pretending he was in pain, “Ouch, that hurts”.

Just as I was about to hit him again, Sarah came over with bags of food with a grin plastered on her face, “Oh shush, Justin”.

She set the bags on the table and immediately everyone dogged in. “ I heard the news so we got to celebrate tonight before you go”, Sarah spoke as she take out a container full of chicken casserole. Don’t get me wrong, this girl could eat!

“ Oh, I can’t. I have to study tonight, plus you know I don’t drink”, I quickly explain.

Sarah frowned,”Ohhhh come on Selena, all you do is study!. Its just one night, live a little!”

I turned to Justin to see him pouting just as Hope agreed to what Sarah said,”Yeah, Sarah is right. I mean, its Justin’s last day with us until God knows when he gets back.”

With a couple seconds of thinking I decided to go out. I mean its just one night of fun right, nothing bad can happen once I don’t drink.

“Alright, alright. Just this once, okay?”, I nodded and turn to see my friends with big bright smiles on their faces. I laugh as

“Ohhhh this is going to be the best night ever!”, Hope shouted earing a few stares from others.


After eating, we decided that Sarah would pick me up around eight and we would go to one of the clubs her father owns. It would be fun right? After all its Friday.

My weekend was usually boring to say where I’m either working, talking to my family about stuff that’s not a typical lovely conversation, going to church or studying.

Lunch was over and it was time to get back to our remaining classes. I was little too happy for art class as it was one my favorite.

Sitting at my regular seat at the back, I began to take out my paint brushes and the other items I needed. Suddenly, a noise next me caught my attention, turning around to see what it was, it was the familiar jet black curly hair.

He was leaning over the desk to pick up his paint brushes. I smiled for a second before returning to a straight face.

“Shit!”, he hissed, damn that accent!. I turned my head to see him staring at me and that was my cue to look away.


Confused, I wonder what he was sorry for that’s until I saw my paint on the floor with some already soaked in a few tissues. I didn’t even realize I had them on the floor.

“Oh….its okay, I-“.

“You can use mine. After all we would be pairing up”, he half smiled.

“Okay”, I smiled, blushing a little.

Wait a minute I thought, did he just say pair up. My thoughts were interrupted when our art teacher Mr. Collins walked in announcing us to pair up. Oh yeah now it hit me!

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