5 0 0

What! When did that happen?

I felt his manhood poking my behind when I noticed I was indeed grinding on him. I didn’t stop though, it felt really good. I liked the feeling. I bit my bottom lip and push back harder moving faster against him when I felt his manhood press between my cheeks, touching my clothed core.

Mmmmmmm”, I was moaning.

“Do you want me to touch you?”, He cooed in my ear matching my movements with his hips. His hand from around my wrists moved to squeeze my behind earning a gasp from me. He pulled me up to stand against him with his hand still wrap around my neck.

This is so wrong. Wrong on so many levels. We agreed to put this behind us. I should stop.

“ No s-“, I was about to say but a voice echo across the room, stopping what I was about to say.

“ What the fuck is going on here?!”

Everything was moving so fast. Jacob who was once behind me was now on the ground on top of Luke about to punch him. I couldn’t do anything about it besides I was always told not to try and part a fight because usually you would end up being hurt as well. I didn’t know why they were fighting so I just left them to it. I learnt my lesson from the last time I tried to part a fight. I was almost knocked out from a punch that was meant for the other person. I mean I knew this looked way personal than a regular one.

I watch and listen waiting for them to cool down before actually pulling them apart.

“You fucking stole her from me!”, Luke punch Jacob in the stomach.

Oh my! I miss out on so much already. Who stole who from who?

Jacob rolled over holding his stomach, “What?! Fuck no, I didn’t, she-“

Luke punch Jacob in the mouth stopping what he had to say, “ You’re a liar! I know she wouldn’t cheat on me…”

Okay…How did it came to this?

Spitting blood from his mouth, Jacob began boxing Luke everywhere he could find to hit,” She. Is. A. Liar, I. Did. Not. Touch. Her! We were best of friends”

Hmmm… Best friends? What a coincidence. I wonder how I never knew of this and they went to the same school. This girl must have been really special to get them worked up like this.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn’t even noticed that they were rolling about on my kitchen floor, kicking, boxing and cursing with blood dripping from their noses and mouths.

It was like watching one of those boxing shows on TV. It wasn’t until a shiny metal was soon in my eyesight in Luke’s hand.

Okay, now it got out of hand. I thought they would fight and curse it out, a least to me that was what it look like but I guess they weren’t finish and I was not about to let blood spill on my kitchen floor. What had came over Luke to do this?

Charging forward I manage to get the knife out of Luke’s hand. He was determine to get his way with Jacob while Jacob just stood there looking calmly at us like if he wasn’t afraid of getting stab or killed.

“What the hell is wrong with you two?!”

“ I’m sorry Van, I didn’t know what came over me”, that was the nickname he used when he was sincerely sorry for something or he would just use it in random times.

With me screaming at him, I was clenching the knife so hard that it cut in between my the palms of my hand. I hissed out of pain and let go of the knife, hearing it making a noise as it drop on the floor.

A rush of pain shoot through in my hands as blood drip down from it.

“Fuck!”, Luke shouted while Jacob stood their staring at my hands blankly. He just stared at it with no reflection of any sort of expression written on his face.

I hastily made my way to the sink to clean the blood then cut. It was then Jacob decided to move to assist me by the turning of the pipe.

As the water touch my hand I bit my lip to stop the cries from coming out from the sudden impact of the water on it.

Lo siento mucho Vanessa. Don’t cry, please”, Jacob pleaded wiping away a tear that escaped my eye.
[ Translation: I’m really sorry ]

“It’s fine”, I said removing my hands from under the water and then walking towards the bathroom with Jacob and Luke standing in the kitchen.

When I got to the bathroom I began to attend to the cut. This was just the basics I was taught but I knew a little bit more out of the ordinary.

It didn’t take me long though and the cut wasn’t all that deep but the pain was barely unbearable and I was hungry. So I took some tablets to ease the pain and went to finish what I started in the beginning. At the sound of that, my stomach growl.

At the sight of seeing me, Luke got up in a rush from where he sat in the living room while Jacob sat where he was looking at me. They didn’t have much blood on their face from what was there before so I threw them both a wet rag.

“Clean up. I don’t anymore blood on my floor”

With that being said, I went along my way. I notice the drips of blood on blood on the kitchen floor was gone. I heard footsteps behind of me but I didn’t bother to turn around. I calm but pissed to the point where I felt like if I speak I might explode so I kept my mouth closed.


Luke knew what my quietness meant, he had undergo two weeks of silent treatment before. All because he ate my favorite chocolate that I usually eat on my womb blood pain days. I was even more upset when I had my period that day and I was cranky without my chocolate. He learnt his lesson to not mess with me and my food.

“Ness?”, He tried again.

I ignored him and continued doing what I was doing. When he realized I wasn’t going to talk to him, he left me alone.

Soon I was finish with breakfast. I arrange it on three plates and then carried two out to the living room. What I found there was the two glaring at each other, they both sat from each other across the room.

I cleared my throat and set their breakfast on the coffee table. Although, Jacob wasn’t in the picture of having breakfast it wasn’t in my heart not to refuse anyone food. With that I went back to get their tea, taking it to them and placing it on the coffee table. They were already eating, sending a thank you my way.

I retreated back to the kitchen, where I ate my breakfast in silence. A few minutes later I heard footsteps coming into the kitchen but I didn’t pay them any attention. They took that as a hint and went back to the living room.

I finish my breakfast and wash my dishes. I still had to send money for my mother but with my injured hand and mess up mood I wasn’t in the mood to do that and the assignment. I was just gonna sleep, do some assignments from other classes then go to work.

After thinking the plan in my head, I walk into the living room to find them in the same spot they were before.

I cleared my throat once again and that seem to get their attention. I look at Luke and ask,” Can you do me a favor and send some money to my mother. I’ll give-“

“I’ll send it myself”

I knew there wasn’t any room to deny him of sending money to my mother from his pocket because one, I didn’t want to talk to him, two I didn’t want an argument and three he would usually send money to her whenever I ask although I kept telling him I would repay him one way or the other, usually it was with food. So I just left it to that.

With one more look at each other, he walk up to me and gave me a small hug, wishing me goodbye and telling me to call him if there was anything I needed in which I just nodded too.

Now it was only Jacob and I left and we share a huge heavy silence between us but on the bright side it was quite bearable.

“Breakfast was nice. Sabía delicioso, gracias”, he complemented me giving a little smile while he look me straight in the eye.
[ Translation: it was delicious, thank you ]

“You’re welcome”, was I could say giving a little smile.

“Look…I’m sorry for what happen in the kitchen, it wasn’t my intention-“

“It’s okay. I don’t need an explanation anyway. And about the assignment can we do it another time as you can see my hands aren’t fine”. I rolled my eyes while I showed him my hands to emphasize my point.

When I look at him, it was like he was a bit upset at something yet he tried to stay calm. Don’t tell me he had anger issues…

I was just about to open back my mouth to tell him he can leave when he spoke again.

“ Can I kiss you?”

But before I could answer Jacob furiously walk up to me planting his lips hungrily against mine. He completely caught me off guard that I didn’t even get the chance to push him off or something. With the force of his kiss I almost fell backwards but he grip my waist while I held on to his shirt tightly.

His hand slowly inch down to my behind, grabbing ahold of it and squeezing it when he find I wasn’t responding to his kiss. That made me open my mouth with a soft whimper.

He instantly push his tongue into my mouth molding his mouth against mine. I slowly responded to the kiss trying my best to follow his pace with his tongue tangling with mine. I was reward with a deep moan from out of his throat and him deepening the kiss, holding the back of my neck tilting upwards to kiss me more.

It was like I couldn’t get enough, he tasted sweet. He was the first man to ever gave me my first kiss but I liked him so that only added to the enjoyable moment.

I pulled away from him, breathing heavily to try and catch my breath as I watch his chest raise and fell under my flatten hands. Before I even had to chance to look up, his mouth came crushing down on mine again.

This time I kiss him back with great urgency and a loud moan escaped my mouth as he pulled me even closer to his warm body smashing my breasts and front against him, rubbing my behind and squeezing it I felt his manhood very prominent now. He was really hard. He was turning me on before I knew it but all that was over all to soon when he pulled away again.

Both of our breathing was heavy as we fight for air to retain into our lungs. When I thought my breathing was back to normal I looked up to him to see him smirking at me with his pink lips. I smile back at him letting him know I was happy that he kiss me and I like it. Very much. I couldn’t believe I turned him on again and he was making me feel heated, flustered with a tingly sensation down in my core craving to be touch.

His lips brush mines once more and then let me go but not before giving my behind a good squeeze. I blushing so hard that my cheeks hurt. I couldn’t believe I had kiss him back after all that had happen. I wondered he if liked me the way I liked him or if he liked me at all.

He moved two steps backwards creating some space between us. I guess he was feeling what I was feeling. The room all to hot for me to even stand still while we look at each other. Whether it was now or later we had to say something but as usual it was always Jacob to break the silence.

“You taste so fucking perfect”, he side smile liking his lips and closing his eyes as if savoring the whatever taste he thought I had.

I had a taste. Mmmm

Well that’s a first

I wondered how I taste from his point of view.

“ I'll go now. I’ll call you this time before I come over. To do the assignment… of course and maybe….a little more”, Jacob teased looking at me with hooded eyes swarming with lust. Was he always this lustful.

I nodded trying to hold in my smile and containing my blush but I manage to squeeze out a few words.

“Just the assignment, please”

Jacob bit his lip and shook his head, saying, “ I like to hear you beg. It makes me harder”, and to emphasize his point he tried to fix his very viewable boner straining against his pants.

I held down my head to try and contain my laugh but it came out anyway. I heard him chuckled before I look up to see him in front of me again. He gave me a kiss on my cheek then a short kiss on my lips wishing me goodbye.

He was out the door before I knew it and I just stood there in the middle of my sitting room smiling like a fool. I was very happy but I didn’t put my hope any higher than it should be. It was more likely that he would behave different the next time we meet. I swear he was bipolar or something and he was always smirking.

With that I locked the door and headed towards my bedroom to sleep. With a soft happy sigh, I squall out on my bed and was fast asleep before I even knew it.


Another chapter guys!!!

Full on energy. I just keep on writing with joy!🙃🙃🙃

I hope you enjoy😊😊

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