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“I love you”, Luke confess staring me straight in the eye.

"Luke...", I sighed. I didn't like the way this was going.

"Let me finish"

"Okay", I nodded, closing my eyes for a moment then opening them back again to meet hi green ones.

"I love you as my own sister Vanessa. Ever since that day when I found you, I swore to protect  you and that's exactly what I'm doing. I don't want to see you hurt and crying over Jacob when he's finish with you. I don't ever want to see you crying nor hurt because I would make sure that person pay for what they had done to you. I know what kind of man Jacob is and I don't want you falling for a man like him."

"Luke... I love you like the big brother I never had and I am truly grateful to have you in my life.", I smile walking to hug him.

I hug him resting my head against his chest while he rest his head on top of mine.

" I'll tell you how I got the hickey if it makes you happy but you must know that I like Jacob...and I heard his side of the story."

A groan escaped from his throat sending a vibration through his chest. I knew that wasn't what he wanted to hear at the moment but he needed to hear it.

"He told me he gave you the hickey and that he liked you. Did he...urhhh...touch you inappropriately besides what I saw last Saturday. Don't think I forgot about it.", He said completely ignoring the last part of what I said.

"Its no big deal Luke. We just kissed and know kiss my neck, whatever y'all men do but he didn't touch me inappropriately", I tried my best not to look him in the eye as I spoke because I knew I didn't tell him the full truth. Besides he didn't touch me inappropriately because I liked it.

A lot!

That's not true!

Whatever gets you by...


" Yeah."

" me"

When I did, Luke was already giving me the big brother face he always gave when he was about to lecture me about something.

"I know Luke, I know. By the way my mother had told me to tell you all hey but I completely forgot. Don't think I forgot you wanted to explain that something but not now. I want to take a soak in the bathtub first."

"Alright. I'll order pizza and pick a movie while you enjoy your bath", Luke smiled but not before walking away towards the living room to set up our movie night.

As I enter my bedroom, I closed the door and began to strip out of my clothes, dashing them into my basket along the way while leaving on my underwear.

I filled up my tub and pour sweet cream and peony scented bubbly liquid into the water. Peeling off my underwear I hope right in.

I soaked for a while then rag my rag and washed myself while I hum to myself.

While I was there lost in my own drying my skin a little while after I heard a crash nosie outside but I didn't rush out I continued to dry my skin thinking that Luke probably broke something again that he would buy back within a few days time.

It wasn't until I heard it again much louder that I wrap the towel around me and walk out to see what was really going on.

"Luke, why are you trying to destroy my...", I trail off when I saw an angry looking Jacob on top of Luke. What happen this time? And why is he here?!

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