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I immediately pull Jacob hands away from me and move away from him. Then cleared my throat standing there awkwardly looking at my shoes because that was all I could think of to do at the moment.

There was a few seconds of uncomfortable silence…too silent for my liking but that was eventually broken by Jacob’s sudden outburst.

“What the hell are you doing here Amelia?!”.

That made me look up to see Jacob’s back within my eyesight. Was he hiding me from her? And if he did, it didn’t make any sense at all, she had already saw us kissing.

I tried peeking over his shoulder but it was no use so I shift to the side hoping to get my bag and let them be while I try to call Luke to tell him to come pick me up but that didn’t work. I was left in shock at what Amelia had said next.

“What are you doing here with this fat wasteful thing of a woman?!”,she shouted angrily making her way to stand in front of Jacob with me standing at the side waiting for the right moment to sneak away.

Look…I wasn’t a coward, I just couldn’t fight and I had a low self esteem so my retorts would be pretty much lame.

What she said was supposed to hurt me and it did but I suppose she probably had a right though, after all I was kissing her supposed boyfriend. Although, it wasn’t the first time a comment like that was thrown my way but not over a man. Since then I had always try to remain in my corner and avoid men like a plague, but it so happened that I just couldn’t avoid this one.

As I look between them, they both stood firmly seething with anger waiting patiently for the other to answer their question. I could see Jacob was trying to control his anger by the way he was clenching and unclenching his hands.

Was he really angry that she was here or what she had called me?

She interrupted y’all moment what do you think Vanessa…

“Don’t you ever fucking call her that!”, Jacob seethed with venom laced in his voice . I guess I was wrong. He was angry that she had called me that.

“And why the hell not?! She’s the one here kissing my boyfriend!”.

“For the last time, I am not your boyfriend Amelia. I will never be”, Jacob breathed out slowly.

By the way they were looking at each other I could tell that it was time to take my leave. So I began walking slowly towards my bag but as soon as I was going to make my third step, a hand latch on to one of my wrists.

“Where are you going?”.

“Away from here”, I answered quickly.

When I turned to look at him, his face was calm and collected and so with the mouth I had grown over night around him, I blurted out my question.

“Are you bipolar or-“.

“Why the fuck are you touching her? To make it even worse, why is she even here?!”, Amelia interrupted me. She sounded like she had calmed a bit but she was still angry more specifically towards me.

“Leave”, was all Jacob said without sparing her a glance. He closed his eyes for a minute and then opened them to fix his gaze above me while I stood there looking at him.

From where I was standing with Jacob blocking my view. I couldn’t see Amelia but I knew she wasn’t happy and she was probably boring holes in his back with her eyes.

“Are you telling me to leave, instead of her?!”, She shouted once more stressing on the word her.

“Leave”, he repeated raising his voice a bit.

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