Hector - Part 3

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  He kept teasing you and flirting with you every day since that day. He’s been playing games with your mind for weeks and you don’t necessarily mind it. You enjoy the show he puts on and the feeling you have knowing that Hector might like you too. Though, it could be the effect of sitting in a dark, cold prison for almost two months already. Two months for him. It’s been three for you. But that doesn’t matter; you don’t want to think about the possibility of Hector flirting with you just because he’s bored and in need for someone’s attention while in prison. After all, he has all of Lenore’s attention.

  However, the only thing you couldn’t stand in this whole game you and Hector play is your incapability to actually take part in it too. You seem to lack the possibility to answer his witty comments whenever he makes them and you just end up sitting there, shocked, but pleased with his attitude. But you never actually say anything back, it’s like you lose your sarcasm and your bravery when Hector gets closer to you.  It’s so annoying and it’s making you slowly go mad.

  You can actually hear your brother laughing at your frustration. Trevor always used to joke about you never getting a boyfriend, because you are too "stiff". You were always proud of you stiffness and you capability to resist against some urges. But Hector took that away from you. You can’t resist him and he seems to know that.

  Hector’s sigh is what brings you back to the real world, in your dirty cell. The moldy smell is still torturing you. If Hector’s flirting isn’t going to be the death of you, the smell of that fucking mold will surely bring your end.

"Were you thinking about me?" Hector asks as he sits in front of you, on the floor.

  His smile makes your feet grow weak. It’s a good thing you’re sitting. You push your lips together in a thin, white line, forcing yourself to say something, a comeback, anything, just so you stop looking so helpless.

"You sure are really good at flattering yourself" you finally answer, leaving Hector off guard.  "Did you get used with my silence? Too bad…" you continue, arrogantly smiling at him.

"I’m back baby!" you think to yourself, mentally giving yourself a pat on the shoulder.

  Hector shifts his position, getting on his knees as soon as he recovers from the surprise. You get a deja-vu sensation as he gets closer to you, so you get up on your feet before he gets to touch you and you end up losing this round.

  He seems disappointed when you take a step further from him and he lets his head fall loose, looking at the ground.

"You need to find some new games if you don’t want to lose me as a player" you wink at him.

  He gets up too, but turns around, his back to you. You tilt your head, confused, but you still pay attention to his every move, because you’re sure this is part of his game.  Hector slowly chuckles, making you even more confused.

"Y/n, we both know that you enjoy being a ‘player’, as you called it. Otherwise, you would have stopped it a while ago"

  His arrogance only makes you angrier, feeding your need to win this round. He assumes he read you like a book and he knows everything about you. He wants to look smart and untouchable? Fine, you can do that too. He’ll regret messing with you.

"I do enjoy watching you struggle, I have to admit. I need some entertainment in this cage and the guards were getting kinda boring. That’s the only reason I didn’t end it, pretty boy."

  Hector turns around to face you faster than you’ve ever seen him move. His eyes widen in shock and now it’s your turn to chuckle. His cheeks flush red with embarrassment, as he moves his hand to the back of the neck to scratch it, uncomfortably. It’s your turn to play him now, so you move closer to him, slowly stepping besides him, and then behind him.

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