Joshua Washington - Part 6

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Weeks have passed. You're not sure how many weeks exactly. Two? Three? You haven't managed to capture any other Wendigos. It's like they all dissapeared after Josh came back to normal, like they know that they're in danger. Truth be told, Josh told you that the Wendigo spirits that possessed him and other people are incredibly intelligent, but it still annoys the shit out of you.
And Josh... It took him a few days to understand what was happening, to get used to what happened. He blamed himself after three scientists in your team left, because they considered him dangerous, but you and Alice never left his side and you managed to prove everyone that Josh is no longer a hazard.
His parents were happy to hear that he was okay, but they never offered to come see him or send someone to take him home. Josh didn't seem surprised, it's like he was used to it. Later on, he explained to you that his parents were always too busy to care about him or his sisters. When Beth and Hannah dissapeared, they just forced him to go to therapy so they wouldn't have to deal with his breakdowns and his mental state. You could see how hurt he actually was.
Sam cried when she Skyped with Josh for the first time. Mike and Chris were there too. They were all so happy to see him, it warmed your heart. When the Skype session ended Josh seemed shocked, drained of any energy. When you asked him what was wrong, the only thing he said was "I didn't know they cared".
His knowledge in Wendigos was the help you needed. After thousands of tests and houndreds of failed cures, you actually made the breakthrough. The team found the cure. Now all you needed was to find the Wendigos, which were nowhere to be found.


Walking towards Josh's room you got lost in your thoughts. You told Alice that you would take Josh's breakfast to his bedroom, since he hasn't left his room. Again.
During these weeks your feelings towards Josh evolved. You started felling those stupid butterflies that you hate so much everytime you saw him. Making him happy became one of your priorities.
When you arrive in front of the door, you knock twice before opening it. You see Josh on his bed, the blanket covering him completely.
"'Morning, sunshine!" you say, trying to hide the worry in your voice.
You close the door behind you and you place the plate with his breakfast on the table. The musty smell in the room wasn't a pleasurable one.
"Oh, for goodness sake, Josh, when was the last time you opened a window in here?" you laugh, while opening the window.
He still doesn't move or say a word. 'What the hell happened? He seemed okay yesterday' you think.
You grab the blanket, slowly moving it away from his body. The image of this broken Josh, laying on his left side, his eyes red from crying, his hands shaking, broke your heart. It brought flashbacks of yourself, when you would have fights with you parents. You never told him, but the two of you are actually very similar.
He looks at you with tired eyes. You sit on the bed next to him, taking his hand into yours and caressing his cheek. The shaking stops soon after that. He sits up, on the edge of the bed, next to you.
Holding the question becomes harder and harder, but Josh can see the curiosity behind the empathy in your eyes.
"It was another nightmare. It-it was back. The Wendigo..." he explains while starting to shake again at the memory of the nightmare. You try to hug him, but he moves away, adding: "I don't want to hurt you, please."
Hearing the pain in his voice, the desperation, suffocates you. You close your eyes, stopping the images of a 16 years old Y/n crying and screaming at her parents to stop treating her as an object.
"I trust you" you simply say, opening your eyes. "You won't hurt me, Josh. I know that. Stop pushing me away, I want to be here for you. Let me take a part of your pain!"
He looks at you, confused, as he gets on his feet, further away from you. You get up too, still respecting the distance between the two of you.
"Why-why are you helping me? Why are you so good to me?" he asks, then he points at the almost healed wound on your arm. "I did that to you, didn't I? So why help someone who hurt you?"
Tears are escaping his eyes again at the thought of the monster he was, the terrible things he's done. You hold your tears back. You haven't cried in years, this wasn't the moment to destroy that record.
"Because we all hurt others. But we don't all regret it afterwards. Not everyone tries to change their mistakes and to change themselves. But you do" you say. "And not everyone has the power to forgive."
Taking slowly steps towards him as you speak, you almost get to him.
"We're both broken, we're both fallen towers, but we can reconstruct ourselves to be more powerful, more beautiful than ever, together" you add, smiling at him.
You take his shaking hand and when you see that he accepted your touch, you hug him. He falls on the floor, taking you with him. The sobs are getting louder as you hold him close to your chest.
"Please don't leave me alone" you hear his hoarse voice between his violent sobs.
You move your hands on both his cheeks, forcing him to look at you. Holding the tears back isn't possible anymore. You let them run freely.
"I won't, ever" you answer, calming him down.
The burning heat between you is making you hungry. Hungry for his touch. Your eyes lock with his. His eyes seem to crave the same thing. He grabs the right side of your hips, his nails hungrily scratching your skin. Josh puts his other hand in your hair, grabbing it as you both crush in a fiery kiss. Your bodies become a tangled mess, both looking for new places to explore on each other. You're barely breathing, as neither of you can bare the idea of breaking the kiss.
He lifts you up and you place your legs around his body, not wanting to let go. He moves towards the bed, breaking the kiss only for a second for you to remove his shirt. You explore his bare chest with your hands before he gently pushes you on the bed.
Neither of you hears the door opening and Alice walking in. Her shocked gasp is what makes both of you turn around to look at her. You fall on the floor and Josh rushes to help you, his hair a mess. Yours must be just the same, so you try to settle it, at least a bit.
Your cheeks flush red as you see Alice's shocked expression change to a sly smile.
"I was coming in to let you know that we should go out for a 'wendigo hunt' soon, but I'll let you two pornstars at it" she says while leaving the room.
Josh looks back at you, not sure what to say. You start laughing about what just happened and he relaxes, and starts laughing too.

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