Tony Stark - Part 5

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"Ready for our date?" Tony asks you, holding his hand out for you to take.
You just smile and take his hand, following him out the Compound, into the car. You're surprised to see Tony getting behind the wheel, Happy no where to be seen.
"I didn't know you knew how to drive" you say, jokingly.
"I mean, I never got my license" Tony answers, causing you to stare at him in plain shock, scared for your life as he drives the car through the gates of the Compound.
"Relax, Y/n, I'm just messing with you" he adds, putting a hand on your thigh.
You look at him, enjoying the warmth of his hand. You think of how a week changed your whole life. You used to hate "love" stories when you were a teenager. You always thought the stories were exaggerated and rushed, that it's impossible to fall in love with someone in such a short period of time. But now, meeting Tony, you realize that maybe all those movies weren't such a bullshit after all.
Tony parks the car in front of a McDonald's, you enter the fast food restaurant and order.
You just spend so much time there with Tony, just talking to each other, laughing at silly stories about your life, getting to know each other. You even tried to steal a few fries from him, which ended up with him jokingly calling you a "sneaky thief".
When you finally decide to go home, on your way out you see a clown, handing balloons to children in the playground. You used to love balloons as a kid, so seeing all those balloons lights something in you.
Tony seeing the excitement on your face and let's go of your hand just to go to the clown.
"Excuse me, could I please have one for my girl?" Tony asks the clown politely.
"Sure, sir! Hope the little one enjoys it" the clown says as he gives Tony a (your favorite color) balloon.
"I'm sure she will."
When he comes back to you, he gives you the balloon and you take it happily, thanking him.
Before you get to enter the car, Tony stops you, turning you around to face him. You stare at him, just wanting to kiss him, craving his lips, but at the same time you don't want to seem desperate.
"Y/n, I actually had fun tonight. You took me to a new place that I never thought I would like, but I loved it. But it wouldn't have been so amazing without you" he smiles. "I actually like you, Y/n, no jokes or games. And I was wondering if-"
You don't give him the chance to finish his sentence, as you crush your lips onto his. You move your hands on his cheeks, slowly moving towards his hair to grab it. He grabs your back, pushing you against the car and leaning himself on you. You know that he craved the kiss just as much as you did.
You get lost in his touch, in his lips, his aftershave smell. So when he breaks the kiss, resting his forehead on yours you feel cold, you already miss his lips over yours. But you know that you will have plenty of time to taste them from now on.

-Years later, after the events in Infinty War-
You forget how to breathe as you watch Carol slowly placing the ship where Tony was supposed to be on the ground. You haven't seen him in weeks, you thought he died or that he dissapeared in the snap. You were so worried.
When the trap opens and Tony walks out, you run to him, tears covering your cheeks. You hug him, crying even harder when you finally feel him in your arms again. But he's so weak, he's basically a walking skeleton.
You take a step back just to look at him, caressing his cheeks. He's pale as a ghost and skinny. He's crying too, but you know that he's not only crying because he's finally back home.
You look back at the ship and the only person that follows Tony out of it is Nebula. Peter isn't coming out. And neither is Strange.
"I lost the kid, Y/n" he finally says, as he collapses to the ground, crying.
You get on your knees next to him and caress his cheeks. The state he's in -mentally and physically- is really worrying you.
You nod towards Steve to get some medical help for Tony, then you turn around to face Tony again.
"We're gonna get everyone back, babe, I promise" you say, as you place a kiss on his forehead and help him get up.
The war is not over, it just starts, and you're gonna make Thanos pay for everything. (END)

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