Bucky Barnes Part 7

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When I wake up I can't feel Bucky's fingers gently playing with my hair, I can't feel his metal arm protecting me anymore and I can't feel the unconfortable floor under my back anymore. Instead, I'm under a warm blanket, on my fluffy bed. But I'm alone in the room.
I get out of the room and hear my brother aggressively whispering at someone. I look on the corridor and see Tony and Bucky having a fight, but still trying to keep quiet. Bucky looks ruffled, like he just woke up. Did he just leave my room and Tony caught him in the act? Shit.
I walk right between the two of them, just in time to hear Tony say
"My sister will NOT date a fucking murderer"
I shiver when I feel the coldness in his voice, but I manage to concentrate on the conversation.
"Y/n... We didn't want to wake you up" Tony says.
"Aren't we murderers too? Every single time we have a mission, we have to kill someone. Heck, I just killed someone two days ago. I broke his neck, after strangling him. That makes me a killer too"
Tony looks at me with big, shocked eyes. I mean, he is used with me not agreeing with him and always talking over him, but this is a hard subject for both of us.
"He- he killed mom and dad, Y/n. It's not the same"
My breath stops for a second and I have flashbacks of Bucky brutally hitting dad, no mercy in his eyes. But then I have a flashback of myself killing HYDRA's leader a few days ago and I can see the same merciless eyes, but now they are my eyes.
"I might have killed someone's father too. Or someone's son, or brother, or husband" I answer, tears in my eyes.
Bucky tries to put a hand on my shoulder, but Tony throws his hand away.
"DON'T TOUCH MY SISTER!" he shouts.
I feel Bucky approaching Tony, already done with his protecting-my-sister crisis. I walk between them again and push them away from each other.
"I need both of you to calm down. Tony, I need you to understand that I'm not a little kid anymore. I don't need you to choose my friends anymore. I know that after mom and dad were gone, you felt like you were responsible to look after me and you did a great job. I have no idea what I would've done without you" I smile.
Bucky listens to out conversation awkwardly. I know he would love to leave, but Tony will start shouting again if Bucky moves even an inch.
"I love you so much, Tony. But I'm a big girl now and you have to let me take my own decisions" I finish.
Tony looks at me, his eyes shinning, full of love and pride. But then he meets Bucky's eyes and his go dark again.
"I know you are a woman now, Y/n, and I am so proud of who you've become. But there is no way I will ever agree with this tin can. He's moving out-"
Before he can finish his sentence a huge explosion throws all three of us at the wall. I can only feel the pain when Bucky comes in front of me, screaming my name. Everything is blurry. I can't hear anything. Bucky keeps talking to me, but I can't hear what he's telling me. He takes my face in his hands and after a few seconds, I start hearing his scared voice. The alarm is screaming in the whole building. The red light is kinda annoying me and I want to tell Tony to stop it, but before I can turn to look after him, I feel an unbearable pain in my stomach.
I put my hand over my stomach and I feel something wet all over my shirt.
"Y/n, look at me, don't look down! You have to concentrate on my voice. I already called for help" Bucky says, trying to take my hand that lays on my stomach.
But that only scares me even more, so of course I look down. My whole stomach is full of blood and I'm still losing a lot of it. A small pool of blood is forming around me and a sharp piece of glass is laying next to me, in the blood.
My eyes widen, as I try to sit up. But there is no energy left in me and the pain is draining me of any power. I'm so angry at myself for getting hurt again. Everytime... Why can't I pay attention? I could have felt that coming. My powers surely can do that. But what exactly was that explosion?
I look after Tony, wanting to ask him if he knows what happened. When I try to look to my right, Bucky grabs my cheek and stops me.
"Please, Y/n, listen to me" he sounds desperate.
Barely moving my arm, I take his hand from my face and my eyes keep searching for Tony. Just when I see him, the paramedics arrive on our floor, running towards us. Bucky shouts at them to take me faster. But I can only see my brother on the floor, not moving at all, not talking to his AI to find out what happened, not asking me how I feel. He's just laying there, in a pool of his own blood, his eyes wide open, no expression in them.
"Tony?" I ask, quietly.
The paramedics try to get my attention, but when they realize I don't care about them, they just put me on the stretcher. I didn't even feel them picking me up. I could only feel my heart beating way faster than before and I all the fear taking over me.
"Tony, please, say something! Talk to me! Don't..." I start screaming as the paramedics try to push the stretcher on the way out.
"No! NO! You have to check my brother, don't leave him here! He needs help, please"
They don't say anything, they just keep pushing the stretcher, but I can see the pity in their eyes. They are abandoning Tony. Why aren't they helping him? Their pity isn't helping me at all, I need them to look after Tony.
On the way down I keep begging the paramedics and Bucky to take me back to Tony, but they all ignore me. At some point, Bucky takes my hand and squizes it, but still doesn't say a word to me. For a few moments, I calm down, watching his face. He looks troubled. But my mind keeps replaying images of my brother laying on the floor, alone.
That's when I start screaming again and one of the paramedics injects something into my arm and I feel everything fading to silence and peace.

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