Joshua Washington - Part 5

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You put your hand over the back of your head to check the place where you hit it while falling. There a little bump, but you don't feel any blood. It should be okay.
Then you realize that you don't feel the pressure over your chest, neither do you hear the growls of the Wendigo.
"What?" you stand up fast, causing you to get dizzy.
The image of Wendigo Josh holding you pinned to the ground flashes in front of your eyes, but you also remember him getting confused after you told him that you're gonna stand by him.
It's the quiet cries and gasps that make you turn around and see a dark haired young man on the floor of the lab, sitting in a corner, his forehead resting on his knees.
"Josh...?" you ask, before thinking.
He stops crying and slowly looks up at you. His clothes are ripped, barely covering him anymore, his hair is ruffled, he has huge bags under his eyes and he looks really pale.
Realizing that he won't say a word, that he is scared and lost, you walk next to him and sit on the floor, smiling at him. The happiness and excitement you feel is inexplicable, you got him back, you did it! But you keep you voice low and calm.
"Hi, Josh. My name is-"
"Y/n" he interrupts you.
You nod at him and put a hand on his knee, trying to sooth him.
"I know you must be confused, but you're safe now. Nothing's gonna happen to you anymore" you explain.
The confusion in his eyes doesn't go away, but the wrinkles on his forehead seem to fade away, which is enough for you to know that he's starting to relax.
"How-how did you make it go away? I-i've been trying for mon-months" he stutters.
You take your hand away from his knee and he suddenly looks at your hand, missing your warm touch. The truth is, you have no idea how you turned him back. You didn't have the chance to even make any tests or antidotes. You just talked to him, searched for Josh under that creature.
"We'll talk about that later, let's get you a room and some clothes" you smile again.
You hold out a hand for him to take and help him stand up. Seeing his bare chest under his destroyed clothes, you blush and chuckle. He notices what you're blushing about and tries to cover himself, ashamed.
"Don't worry" you say and you feel his hand relaxing in yours. "To be honest, I expected you to have no clothes left" you joke.
His hand tenses again and you laugh, pulling him towards the bedrooms. You open the door to the only free room in the building and let him get in.
"The bedroom is right next to mine, so that if you need anything, you can ask me" you tell him, while walking to one of your male colleagues' bedrooms to 'borrow' a set of clothes.
You walk back into his room and hand him the clothes you found. He smiles and you prepare to leave.
"I'll let everyone know that everything is fine. We should get in touch with your parents and your friends too. They will be sooo happy to hear the news" grabbing the doorknob you add: "If you need anything else, I'll be in the lab."
Before you get to close the door you hear his barely audible voice.
"Actually, I am a bit hungry" he informs you, looking at the floor.
"Oh yeah! Of course! I'll make you something to eat. You can come in the kitchen when you're ready. It shouldn't be too hard to find. It's right behind the corner, at the end of the corridor."
On your way to the kitchen you call Alice and the rest to let them know that everything's alright and that you have big news for them.
They all return in a matter of minutes, finding you in the kitchen, cooking dinner for Josh. You swear that the disorientation on their faces was priceless.
"Did you get hungry after the almost-getting-killed situation?" Alice mocks.
"What the hell happened, miss Y/l/n?" someone asks.
You laugh and turn around to face all 23 of them.
"Guys, I have good news for you. We no longer have a Wendigo inside our building"
You hear a few gasps and whispers between them and some of them ask 'what' or 'how' a few times.
"I cannot explain it. I have no idea how this worked. I just know that we got our first 'healing'" you announce.
Now they start cheering and applauding. Almost all of them. But there are still a few that don't seem conviced.
"How do we know that it's over? Maybe he'll turn back. He is a danger to us! He needs to remain in the cage." someone else says.
You don't notice Josh entering the kitchen when you come closer to the scientist that made the comment, only a few inches between the two of you. You look her straight in the eyes, but speak loud enough for everyone to hear.
"We will NOT keep a human being locked in a cage just because you are afraid of him. He is not a monster. We will look after him just like we look after each other. There are still other Wendigos out there that we could heal and we could use all the help that we can get. He is now part of out team. Understood?"
They all nod and you thank them. Alice grabs your hand, sadly pointing towards Josh. You mentally slap yourself for not seeing him in time. He looks disturbed, guilty. You run at him, while smiling.
"I'm so sorry about that. They just found out the news. They'll get used to it" you explain.
"Maybe I should just leave, maybe they're right. You don't have any certainty that I won't turn back" he admits.
You grab his hand, like Alice does when you're sad. She's the only one that ever comforted you, so she's the only example that you can work after at these kind of stuff. You're not good at emotions. But you feel like giving it a shot, for Josh.
"Don't be silly. I made a promise to help you, Josh. And I will. I'm not giving up on you, I told you. Neither of us has to be alone anymore."
You see tears in his eyes and you panic, because you're afraid you'll start crying too and that can't happen.
"Come on, let's introduce you to everyone!" you exclaim when you notice he's about to say something.
You drag him back in the ktichen and everyone turns around to look at you two. Alice is smiling at you, which actually makes you feel more assertive. You squeeze Josh's hand and finally speak, pushing him in front of everyone.
"Guys, meet Josh, our new teammate!"

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