Kylo Ren - Part 4

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The Falcon’s gone. Your knees get weaker as you look around and see Stormtroopers everywhere, surrounding you, their blasters following your every move. And then you hear the sound of those heavy footsteps. You raise your head and you see the dark, masked figure that everyone’s scared of. But you don’t feel scared. You haven’t felt scared of Kylo Ren for a long time. Instead, you feel like you can understand him, like you can see behind his mask.
  Lost in your thoughts, you don’t notice Ren taking his helmet off. You only hear the crash, as it falls tumbling to the ground. He comes closer to you, but it’s like he thinks his every step before taking it. He’s careful, calculated, like he’s about to finally get his prey, but he has to be careful for it to not escape. You are the prey, you know it. But you still don’t feel scared.
“There’s nowhere for you to run anymore, Y/n. Nowhere to run from me or from the truth, even though I think you already know the truth, don’t you, Y/n?” Ren whispers only for you to hear.
  He is now so calm, so understanding. You don’t want to hear him say the so feared truth, you don’t want to have to accept it. You only heard legends about Vader, and Palpatine and Luke Skywalker, you never thought you would be a part of that story. You never thought you would belong to any story.
“You know whose blood flows through you veins, Y/n, just like I know Darth Vader’s blood flows through mine” he takes a break, so he can come closer to you. “You are a Palpatine”
  You hold your breath as the words leaves his mouth. Anger and pain fill you up again. You kept telling yourself that everything has an explanation, including the fact that you’re Force sensitive, but this isn’t the one you hoped for. But there’s no time for grieving or doubting, as you already knew the answer, deep down, in your soul, as soon as that lighting left your fingers on Pasaana.
“You’re so much more than you ever thought you were, Y/n. Think about everything that we could achieve together. We could get rid of Palpatine and rule the galaxy together.”
  Ren’s voice is like an echo. You listen to every word, you stare at him, at his face features, his trembling lips, his eyes, glimmering with hope. He puts his hand out, as a feeling of deja-vu hits you. But since the last time this happened, you have changed. Your view over the whole world changed.
“Join me, Y/n” Ren pleads.
  The difference now is that anger and hatred is feeding your powers too. You have fallen, you know it. Ren knows it. And Leia felt it too, sometime ago. She tried to talk to you, but you always brushed it off. But you can’t ignore it anymore, the hatred towards Palpatine is too powerful, and the anger and disappointment the answers you got brought with them are too much to take. You’ve got to free yourself.
  You feel the strong wind coming from the Falcon, throwing Stormtroopers further away. But not you and Kylo Ren. You both stand still, eyes connected. Finn screams your name in a desperate try to make you join them.
  You would never want to hurt them, never. You care about Finn, Poe, Leia… But your mind is made. And you trust Ren with everything you have. You trust him to protect you, to listen to you. You make a step closer to Ren and you stretch your hand out. His eyes widen in shock. He doesn’t know if he should believe you or expect another trick.
“Y/n, don’t! Please don’t!” Finn yells, tears falling on his cheeks.
  The betrayal you feel in the Force, coming from Finn, breaks your heart. You don’t know if he will ever be able to forgive you, to understand your choice. You doubt it and you will have to live with that your whole life. You’ve been trying so hard to turn Ren to the Light Side that you didn’t ever think that maybe it was you who had chosen the wrong side.
  As your hand falls into Ren’s and he pulls you closer to him, you turn around to look at Finn, trying to tell him, through your eyes, that you will never allow anyone or anything to hurt him or the others. The anger in his eyes makes you flinch. Finn tells Poe to leave and you watch the Falcon disappear.
  Ren’s hand moves from yours to your hips. You enjoy the warmth of his touch and the smile on his face is what convinces you that you made the right choice. It’s a smile you’ve never seen before, it’s true. You love it.
“You’ve made the right choice, Y/n, I promise you. I’ll give you everything, I’ll make you happy”
  You know he’s telling you the truth; you feel it in the connection between the two of you. It’s stronger than ever before. It’s fulfilling, colorful.
“I believe you” you answer, as your hands lay on his chest. You can finally touch him like you’ve been dreaming about for months. You finally have him.
 You know you made the right choice, because it’s not the Dark Side you turned for, it’s him. You chose Kylo Ren, and you couldn’t be happier. (END)

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