Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) - Part 2

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It's been 3 days, 15 hours and 31 minutes since you met new Peter. The weird, off-world Spiderman walked through that portal, spent half an hour with you, and made sure he stuck to your brains, so you wouldn't be able to forget him. You know Strange and original-Peter probably sent him back. He was probably an anomaly, he wasn't supposed to be here. You remember reading about multiverses at some point, for a school project. It seemed like a way too complicated concept for you at the point. The idea of millions of other universes, slightly or majorly different from ours, existing at the same time as ours was too mind blowing to even bother plunging into.

But maybe new-Peter was proof that the multiverse was real. Maybe the portal brought him from his universe to yours. But that could be damaging to both universes. They shouldn't be tempered with or altered. Which is all the more reason for Strange and original-Peter to send him back immediately.

Still, you can't help but think about him all the time, hoping you'll maybe get the chance to see him again. At least one more time. You can't figure out why this is so important to you, but you feel like your life will never feel complete anymore without him.

In an effort to stop thinking about him, you pick up the book on your nightstand and start reading. "I wish I knew how to quit you". The very one passage from the book you are reading, "Brokeback Mountain", stuck with you, ringing in your head like an echo. You really wish you knew how to stop thinking about a man you knew nothing about.

And then you hear it: a knock on... your window? The hairs on your back raise and you remain still on your bed, making sure to not make a single sound. You're suddenly glad you closed the curtains when you came to your room.

"Y/n? It's me, Peter" your heart sinks when you hear his voice.

You're still unable to move, probably from the shock of hearing him. He was here, at your window, politely knocking. When he still doesn't hear any kind of movement in the room and he doesn't get any response, you hear him shift his position and mumble to himself.

"Did they give me the wrong address? There's no way. Maybe she's just not home..."

You suddenly sit up and run to the window, pulling the curtains away and opening the window. Peter, who was supporting himself on the window, tumbles down on the floor, at your feet. He gathers himself off the floor faster than the speed of light and gets on his feet, facing you. He's wearing his costume, including his mask. His suit's white lenses squint, as if he's concentrating, taking your features in.

You chuckle at the silent situation, and his lenses suddenly widen. It seems as if he only now took notice of the cringe situation. He takes the mask off, his hair a messy fluff once again. But there is one strand of hair that remained stuck to his forehead, getting into his eye. He seems too absorbed and captivated to be bothered to move the strand out of his way. So you take the matter into your own hands and slowly move your hand to his forehead, to take the strand out of the way. His hand moves in to accompany yours, his palm resting on the back of your hand.

You suddenly realize the position you're in, caressing Peter's cheek and forehead in your bedroom, in your parents' house. The same Peter you met only 3 days ago. You take a step away, removing your hand suddenly.

"They didn't give you the wrong address" you joke, trying not to think about what just happened.

"It seems like they did not. Frankly, I wouldn't have been surprised if they gave me the wrong one. They've been very stressful. Are you sure they're the good guys?" he laughs sincerely.

You laugh too, sitting on the edge of your bed. You motion for him to take a sit too, but he decides to sit on the chair at your desk instead.

"I mean, last time I checked, they were the Avengers. They should be the good guys. Were they mean to you?" you pout mockingly, while imitating a crying baby.

He smiles widely, not saying anything for a few seconds, just simply looking into your eyes. Did he think of you as much as you thought of him? Was his mind a mess during these three days too?

"Well, considering there's a whole mess of a multiverse collapse happening as we speak, it's understandable that they wouldn't enjoy the idea of me sneaking up at night to see you" he says in a playful tone. "It didn't take them long to realize that the only way to make me shut up was allowing me to see you, though."

You raise an eyebrow at him, teasing him with a small, barely noticeable smile. He spins around in your chair, now facing your desk. He seems captivated in your senior year math and English notebooks and all the small objects on the desk.

"You tried sneaking out?" you finally ask.

He turns back towards you, holding a framed picture of you and your brother in his hand. Despite his sincere laugh, you can hear some stress behind it. Or maybe it's the wrinkles on his forehead and the black bags under his eyes giving the stress and sleepless nights away.

"Is that the only thing that you heard from my sentence? What about the multiverse crash?" it's his turn to tease you.

"Doesn't seem to me like I have any power over the multiverse part. While, the you-sneaking-out-to-see-me part affects me directly" you smile.

Peter gets back on his feet, the picture still in his hand. His knuckles turn white from the pressure he applies to the frame. You furrow your brows at his stiffness, as he takes a few steps towards you. You remain seated, Peter now just a step away from you, towering over you.

"Wouldn't this sneak-in concern your boyfriend too?" he asks, trying to make it sound like a joke, but not being able to eliminate the jealousy from his voice completely.

You try to look at him with a serious look on your face. Little smiles seem to infest your face from time to time, as you struggle to oppress them. But it soon becomes impossible to hold it in and you burst out laughing, as you fall flat on you back, on the bed, continuously laughing. When the laughs turn into chuckles and then they finally end with just a huge grin on your lips, you look at Peter, who's still in the same spot, looking more confused than when he first saw you.

"That's my brother, Peter. I don't have a boyfriend" you let him know.

You sit back on the edge of the bed, looking up at him. He seems to relax, and he goes back to the desk, to neatly place the frame back in its place. He's smiling again, as he turns to face you again, from a safer distance now. You get on your feet too, feeling like a scolded child when seated.

As you walk towards the center of the room, you decide to continue the teasing, just to see where it would take you.

"Why do you care anyway? It's not like it would affect your multiverse mission in anyway" you giggle.

Peter suddenly looks offended, as if you said something completely unacceptable. He meets you in the center of the room, placing his hands on each of your shoulders, and squeezing them slightly, as if to get your complete attention.

"Do you think I came to see you because of the mission?" he seriously asks. "I can't get you out of my head, Y/n. I don't think the portal opening in front of you was a mistake. It was supposed to take me to you."

For a second, you heart flutters at the thought of Peter thinking about you all the time. But then it hits you, and it hurts you more than you could have imagined. You move his hands away from your shoulders and you stare right into his eyes, piercing through them.

You remember the moment you met him as clearly as possible, you played it and replayed in your mind for hundreds of times these past days, trying to keep him fresh and alive in your memory. And the package deal was remembering all his feelings at that moment too, because inexplicably, you can feel everything he feels, as if they are your own feelings. You can't wash away the desperation and hope that was storming inside of him when he saw you and thought you were his Gwen. It would be unfair of you to simply ignore that, unfair towards both you and him.

"Peter... You just think that because I look like her. Like Gwen, I mean. You want her back, I can tell. You loved her and you lost her and you're hoping to find her in me" your voice's shaking as you tell him all this.

Your tone becomes steadier as you go on, a sad smile forming on your lips, because you can feel the heartache your words cause him. You can only imagine the way he lost her. You don't know what happened, and you won't ask if he doesn't feel like opening up about it. But the sadness and grief that pass like waves from him towards you give you a pretty good idea of what happened to Gwen.

"But I'm not her. I can't be her. I can't satisfy your needs and hopes to have her back. I really wish I could."

Nothing of what you said is a lie. From the moment you met him, you wished something would've snapped in you and you would've remembered him, like some kind of miracle. But miracles aren't real, and as much as you wish you could take that pain and grief away from him, you can' do what's impossible.

Peter looks shocked as he listens to you. Maybe he didn't expect you to read him this easily, being able to see his thoughts and being able to feel his feelings so soon. He bites his lips and closes his eyes for a few seconds, while you prepare yourself to hear him admit to it. But it's not what you hear when he speaks to you.

"I'm hoping to find you in you" he smiles. "I won't deny that when I saw you first, I had hoped for you to be Gwen. But you're not Gwen, I know that now. And I still feel drawn to you. I feel like I was meant to meet you."

You see the tears in his eyes shinning in the faint light of your small lamp on the desk. The sincerity of his words is plastered all over his face. It hurts him to leave Gwen behind, but he is willing to do that to get to know you. You can feel all that, as if they're your own feelings, as if your hearts are connected and meant to be one and the same.

The thought of asking him if he's sure of what he's saying faints away when you see his hands shaking. He is as sure as any human being can be. He left his guard down in front of you, even though he barely knows you. He let you see his heart as naked as it can be. He's giving up on feelings he was clinging onto for a long time, just so he could feel new ones with you.

The step that you took before to separate the two of you now feels like a whole mile, an ocean between you and him. So, you step forward again, while grabbing his shaky hands. He gathers his gaze from the floor and looks at you, completely honest and sincere.

"I believe you, Peter" you whisper. "Because I, too, cannot stop thinking about you. I was struggling so much to forget you, because I thought I would never get to see you again. But I don't want to forget you."

One of your hands finds its way to the back of his head, gripping his hair as you get on your toes to reach his lips and press a shy kiss onto them. Peter holds his breath in so suddenly, you almost move away, scared that he might not want this. But one of his hands then moves to your hips, while the other rests on your cheek, as Peter pulls you closer, deepening the kiss.

And for the first time, the energy connecting the two of you feels satisfied, complete. It's as if it wants both of you to be together at all times, to never separate, because when you're separated, even by an inch, it feels like pieces of your mind and heart are breaking apart, in an effort to reach each other.

It takes all for the two of you to finally break the kiss, foreheads still united, as you smile to each other. And then once again this night, you realize the situation you're in and where you are when you hear exactly what you needed for your whole heart to stop beating and for the panic to settle in.

"Y/n, darling, are you okay?" your mom calls out for you, while you hear her coming upstairs, towards your room.

"Shit..." you whisper, making Peter chuckle.

You push him, motioning for him to hide under the bed. He raises an eyebrow, questioning your decision to make him hide like a kid under the bed. You huff, insisting on your idea, as if asking him "you want to explain to my mom why Spiderman from another universe is in my bedroom". Peter gets the idea, a huge grin on his face.

He silently slips under your bed. Right when your mom steps into your room.

"Who are you talking to?" she asks, concerned.

"No one, mom. I was just repeating some lines for the school play. I must prepare for the show, you know."

Your mom's eyes glow with excitement and pride as she rushes to the window to hug you.

"You didn't tell me you got the role. You're going to do amazing, sweetheart!"

She notices that you aren't really paying attention to her, fidgeting around in your spot, your eyes full of annoyance. She assumes her little girl is now becoming an adult, in need of her own, personal space, which she is breaking right now. So your mom places a soft kiss on your forehead, congratulating you once again, before wishing you a good night and leaving the bedroom.

You sigh, finally able to breathe properly, as Peter creeps out from under the bed, chuckling.

"I had no idea you're into acting" he says, sitting on the bed.

You turn in his direction, your heart fluttering again when you see his face, as if you heart forgot he was in the room, and you saw him just a minute ago.

"It's just a stupid senior year play, to celebrate us graduating" you explain. "It's- umm... Romeo and Juliet. And I'm... I play Juliet, as cliché as it might sound" you chuckle, embarrassed.

He notices your cheeks turning red, as your gaze turns anywhere else other than him. His heart warms up seeing you like that, embarrassed of him. He wishes he could take that reluctance towards him away from you, but he knows that's going to take time. Time that he would more than gladly give to you.

"Well, I'm not a good actor, but I wish I could play Romeo with you. Maybe I could help you rehearse some lines one of these days" he smoothly suggests.

You cringe at his sweet line, but then your body melts at his flirting. And you once again find yourself looking at a wall, not being able to look at him without flustering, as he gets off the bed and joins you in the middle of the room.

"I should let you get some sleep" he whispers, placing a warm kiss on your forehead, as if mimicking the loving gesture of your mother.

You melt away in his arms, that he swiftly placed on your hips without you realizing. He grins, obviously aware of the effect he has on you. It's now the first time it occurs to you that, just as you feel everything he does, he might be connected to you the same way, feeling all that's going on in your heart. You curse in your head, taking note to be more careful about your feelings around him.

Peter puts his mask back on, getting on top of the windowsill, stopping to look at you once more, as you join him at the window. You caress his cheek again, this time the material of the mask making it harder for you to connect with him properly. But it doesn't seem to bother him, since you feel him giving in to your touch and resting his head in your palm.

"I would love to rehearse with you. Come back again tomorrow?" you ask, taking your hand away from him.

"Nothing's gonna stop me" he whispers, brushing his fingers slightly on your cheek, in such a loving way, like you've never been touched before by anyone.

And with that, he's gone, leaving you to stare in the direction he went, wondering what the hell just happened.

As you turn off your lamp on the desk and approach the bed to lay down, your phone screen lights up, revealing a notification for a message. You notice it's from an unknown number, so you curiously open the message.

- i forgot to tell you they gave me your number too ; ) -

- Author's Note -
Very long chapter here, forgive me for that, I got carried away. I hope you enjoyed it tho

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