Bucky Barnes Part 4

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It's been three weeks since the Bucky incident. Yes, the soldier's name is actually Bucky and after I used my powers, his memories started coming back to him. He spent these three weeks with Steve, asking questions about what the new world is like and what happened after HYDRA took him. He doesn't remember much from his mind-control period, but he was able to give us helpful informations about HYDRA's new location.
I spent these weeks training with Wanda to use my powers. Tony practically forced me to learn to use them after what happened in the cell. I refused to, at first, but the thing that he said and convinced me was that my powers could help us end HYDRA once and for all. And, I must admit, after loads of trainings alongside Wanda and Strange - ocassionally - I started to understand my powers and to control them and to actually tame the anger that was inside them. It is still there, the whispers are still there and I can still feel the anger, but it isn't as strong as it used to be and I can easily ignore it.
Anyway, I saw a lot of Bucky during these weeks too. He thanked me houndreds of times for saving him. I actually like him. He is funny and really smart. But he is also a little bit too flirty. He keeps calling me 'doll' and Steve actually told me that he used to be loved by every single girl he met before they left for the war.
I'm really glad to see Bucky and Steve together. Even though Bucky has moments when he is really down or sad, most of the times he seems really happy to be with his best friend.
Tony, on the other hand, has developed some kind of hate towards Bucky. He believes that Bucky cannot be trusted and he thinks that his change from the bad guy to the good guy was way too sudden and that he maybe isn't as good as he seems. No matter how many times I tried to explain to Tony that it was the brainwashing that made Bucky that way and that I took it away and now he is back to his normal self, Tony sticks with his idea.
This morning I'm sitting in the kitchen with Bucky, Wanda and Steve. I made pancakes for breakfast because last night I just found out that Bucky used to love them. He was so excited and thrilled when I put the pancakes plate in front of him, just like a little child.
We are talking about childhood memories when we hear Clint's voice in the speakers.
"Guys, we have the exact location for HYDRA's hideout"
I jump on my feet, the chair falling to the ground behind me and I run towards the mission room. Wanda calls me, but I don't stop so she runs after me, soon joining me.
"Where are they?" I ask when I enter the room.
All the Avengers are already there when Wanda, Bucky, Steve and I join them. They look at me and Nat gives us all the information, including our plan. We all get ready fast and get on the plane.
On the way there I don't say a word, even though both Tony and Bucky try to speak to me. I need to concentrate on the mission. I will take HYDRA out. The plan is simple. Tony, Bucky, Steve and I go inside the building as soon as the other Avengers take out all the guards. We have to take out the leader. That is the main mission. The side mission is to also destroy the base and all they equipment.
Everything moves so fast. Our team-mates take everyone out and we get in after Tony blows up one of the walls of the building. The 'scientists' run away screaming, while the boys start looking around for a trap door or anything that could let us know where the leader is.
I stop a guy from running away by using my powers and lifting him in the air. As I question him about their leader's location, Tony destroys the computers in the room. Immediately after the scientist gives me the location, I let him go and run towards the basement.
I'm not surprised at all to see that the coward of their leader used a defence system to keep himself safe. He locked himself up in a box made of some stupid material that is supposedly impenetrable and indestructible. As we approach the coward, I notice a laptop in front of the cell.
"You got a cold-blooded criminal in your team, Avengers" the leader speaks.
"You made him a killer" I say, looking at Bucky.
"Oh, you think you can save everyone, Y/n, but you weren't even able to save yourself." the guys laughs at me.
Of course he knows my name, even though I never saw him. They probably know all their lab rats. They do their homework.
"You're done, freaks" Tony answers for me.
He charges his blasters, but before he can shoot, a video starts on the laptop. It's a surveillance camera recording from a road. A crashed car. That car... I know that car.
"Mom? Dad?" I ask, shaking.
"Stop that right now!" Steve shouts.
There is someone next to the car. A third person. When the light shines on the metal arm, my breathing stops. Bucky drags my dad out of the car and starts punching him savagely with the metal arm, until he stops moving. Then he gets up, takes something out of the trunk and leaves. The video stops.
I cannot explain the betrayal and pain I feel. I look at Bucky, tears in my eyes. He seems destroyed, tormented.
"That wasn't him, Y/n, you know it" Steve says for Bucky.
I don't answer. I know he was controlled, but the pain is still unbearable.
"Did you know?" Tony asks Steve, turning around to face him.
"Tony, I don't think that matters right-"
"DID YOU KNOW?" Tony shouts.
Steve looks in the ground when he answers the question.
"I did"
Tony gasps, moving away from Steve, and I start crying.
"How could you hide this from me? From us! Steve, we are your friends" I scream.
Then anger fills me up. I start shaking and I force myself to stop crying. I move towards the leader of HYDRA and the grin on his face dissapears. My hands and my eyes start glowing purple. I raise my hands and the purple surrounds the cell. I then close my fists and the walls of the cell shatters around the son of a bitch. I use my powers to raise him in the air like I did with the scientist before, but now I close my fist to put pressure around his neck. He struggles to free himself while suffocating, but I feel no pity for him. I want to kill him, I want him to suffer. I want Bucky and Steve to see this so they'll be scared of me. I want everyone to know what I'm capable of and not mess with me ever again. When the leader's neck snaps and he stops moving, I let my hand down and his body crashes on the ground, lifeless.
I turn my back on it and grab Tony's arm while walking out the building and leaving Bucky and Steve shocked.

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