Tony Stark - Part 2

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You hear noise outside your bedroom and as you get out of the bed, a feeling of confusion takes over you for a second, but then you remember: you're at the Avengers compound. You moved here four days ago. And the noise outside is actually Tony screaming at Thor.
"No, Point Break, don't touch that! You'll blow us up!" Tony yells at the God of Thunder.
You don't bother to change from your pijamas and you just walk out, not before checking the clock. 7:08 am.
"Why are you even in my lab, Thor?" Tony sighs.
Oh, yeah, Tony made sure that your bedroom is the closest one to his lab and his room, so that you can always help him as fast as possible. Oh and gods have mercy, he needs A LOT of help.
You run to the lab to see a sleepy confused Thor and a frustrated Tony, trying to push the huge guy out the door.
"What the hell is happening here?" you ask.
Tony seems relieved to see you and immediatly stops pushing Thor.
"This big guy just came into my lab and started touching everything" Tony complains to you.
You take a look at the God and come to the conclusion that he isn't even aware of what he's doing.
"I'm pretty sure he's just tired and that he was looking for the kitchen. Come on, Thor" you grab his arm and lead him towards the kitchen.
You then return to the lab to see Tony smiling mischievously at you. You look at him, pissed off.
"You have to learn to calm down and don't treat every problem with anger" you tell him, actually meaning it.
He walks over to the other side of his lab, in front of you. You take a step back, trying to keep an acceptable distance between the two of you, but Tony keeps coming towards you until your back hits a wall and there's no space left for you to take steps away from Tony.
"It's pretty hard for me to stay calm when you walk in my office wearing these kind of clothes" he says, looking down at your pijama, grinning.
Your pijama pants are indeed very short, but you left the room as fast as possible so you can solve his problem. So you have an excuse.
Tony didn't waste anytime to start flirting with you. He tried making moves on you since the very first day. But you can't say that you dislike it. After all, he is really attractive. It's his reputation that actually worries you. He's not capable of staying in a serious relationship. He takes as many women as he can fit in his bedroom and then he never sees them after one night. He did date Pepper for a while, but just after she broke up with him, he went back to his old manners.
"I'm sorry, Tony, I'll go change" you answer, while sneaking past him and running back to your room.
When you come back, you see Tony in his suit working on a tablet, making some calculations.
"Ah, Y/n, you're back. Great! I need your help" Tony speaks.
You smile at the sight of the serious Tony, that is actually really focused on his work.
"Sure, what do you want me to do?"
His eyes finally look up from the tablet, at you, and the smirk is back on his face.
"What do you need my help with in the lab, Tony?" you add, annoyed.
"Sorry, sorry. I just need to test the propulsors, so it would be really helpful if you could just manage the power of the propulsors with the tablet" he gives you the tablet and walks in the testing zone.
You look at him and at Dummy coming next to Tony. You tilt your head.
"We don't really have any options, so we're gonna use Dummy in case of a fire" he explains.
"Okay, is there a risk of you catching on fire? Tony, you've been doing this for years!" you yell.
"New suits are always unpredictable. That's why we test them" he winks then adds "Let's just start with 5% thrust capacity, Y/n."
You try to set the percentage, but your finger slips up to 30% and you see Tony flying directly in the ceiling, then falling on the ground when you stop the propulsors.
Dummy starts gasing Tony and you run towards him, screaming at Dummy to stop.
"Tony! Tony, are you okay?" you ask, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"I said 5% , Y/n, what the hell?" he seems angry.
It's the first time you see him angryat you, but you probably deserve it.
"I'm sorry, Tony, my finger slipped, I didn't mean to" you apologize. "I just hope you're not hurt."
You help him stand up and he takes off the suit, then sits at his desk, massaging his temples.
"I need a drink..." he says and you hurry to the drinks cabinet to get him a glass of whiskey. "And a party!" he finishes, the anger now completly gone from his voice.

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