Connor (Detroit: Become Human)

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You live in a futuristic Detroit, with androids all over the world, designed to help humans. The company that created them guarantees that the androids are incapable of 'feeling' human emotions, that they are just mere machines that are programmed to serve us. But they were wrong. Androids have feelings. Or at least they started to unlock them. And some of them hurted or even killed their masters in their desperate mission to escape and live freely. Y/n is a detective and the cases of the android killings have been asigned to her. But what happens when the detective that was supposed to despise and punish the deviants, falls in love with her android partner?

I look at the lifeless body on the floor. Snapped neck. We're talking about a killer who knew what they were doing. You can't just murder someone by snapping their neck without knowing some techniques.
No signs of struggle, no fingerprints, no signs of forced entry and the victim's android is missing without a trace. Doesn't take a brilliant mind to know who the prime suspect is.
I sigh as I look for more clues around, hoping to find something that can help me understand what exactly happened here. I'm interrupted by a familiar voice that's calling my name.
"Y/n! Can't say I'm surprised to find you here before me"
I turn around and shake my head while smilling.
"Captain, good to see you. I just wish it was under better circumstances"
As my superior gets ready to answer me, I notice a figure behind him. A new guy. But then I see it... the blue fucking circle on his temple. An android.
"I can see you got yourself an android, sir" I say before he gets to continue our previous conversation.
The android raises it's head and looks at me, smiles politely and answers for the captain.
"Hello, miss. My name is Connor and I am the android sent by CyberLife"
I frown in confusion, looking from my superior to the android, then back to the captain.
"Sir, what does it mean by 'sent by CyberLife'?"
The captain sighs as if he wanted to avoid talking to me about this. He puts a hand on my shoulder and looks right into my eyes.
"Y/n, these deviants, these androids that are going rogue, are CyberLife's fault. And they feel guilty. Or at least that's what they want the media to think" he rolls his eyes and continues: "Anyway, they sent their most advanced prototype to help with the investigations"
I can see that he is pleading me with his eyes not to freak out, so I already know what he has left to say.
"No way, sir! With all due respect, I will NOT have a machine as my partner in this investigation. An android cannot investigate androids. It's complete madness!"
The captain looks dissapointed. He takes a look back at the android that's patiently waiting in a corner.
"I know you don't like them, Y/n, but you are our best detective at the moment. And you are a lieutenant. You have to listen to my orders" I swear I can see a bit of sadness in his eyes. "Please, Y/n, don't make this any harder"
I sigh and pout, trying to calm myself, while I hardly manage to say "fine". My superior smiles, proud of himself, then calls the android to join me. Before he leaves, the captain turns around and tells me:
"Your father would be really proud of you"
I don't say a word and return to the murder scene. The android follows me closely and looks around.
"How can I help you, Y/n?"
I force myself not to snap at it and I keep looking around. When I don't say anything, I can see Connor analyzing me and it makes me really uncomfortable. Then I hear his voice again.
"Y/n Anderson. Lieutenant at the Detroit Police Station for the past 6 years. You started young. You were only 19. And... the captain mentioned something about your father, who must be the previous lieutenant, Hank Anderson-"
"No. Stop it, okay? I did not agree with you searching all over my past" I scream at it.
Connor looks really confused and stops speaking. I don't know if it's because it's scared of my reaction or because I told it to stop talking so it just listens to it's 'master'.
"You know what? Why don't you look around for any evidence that we might have missed. I need to know why would this deviant kill it's owner"
Connor nods and starts looking around, then, after just half an hour, I can see him coming my way, visibly disturbed.
"Lieutenant, the deviant might still be in here, in the attic"
"Oh my god, this must be my best day!" I laugh excitedly while I walk to the attic entrence. I reach for a ladder, but Connor puts it's hand on my arm.
"Lieutenant, the deviant is really unstable and dangerous. Maybe I should go first and try to calm it down a little bit"
I look at its hand, still resting on my arm, and then I look at Connor. He- 'IT, not he, goddammit, it's a machine, not a human, Y/n'. IT's smilling at me. As much as I want to, I can't force myself to remove it's hand. It's somewhat soothing.
"Fine, but if anything goes wrong, you call us immediately" I order Connor.
"Of course, Lieutenant"
Then Connor takes the ladder and climbs in the attic. At first, I can't hear anything, but after a few minutes I hear a few sounds, like running and objects falling on the ground, and I hear Connor screaming at the deviant to stop running. I can hear that they are talking, but can't understand what they're saying. But the talking is interrupted by a gunshot.
I wince and take my gun out. I hear footsteps and then someone is coming down from the attic. But it's not Connor, it's the deviant. And he has a gun.
I arm my gun and start screaming at it.
Surprisingly, it lays the gun on the floor. By this time, the other cops have joined me already, holding their guns in position. I can see that the deviant starts to panic, that it's scared, so I start talking again, not shouting anymore.
"Put your hands on the back of your head and get on your knees and I promise you, we won't hurt you"
It does exactly what I told it to do and two cops approach it, put handcuffs on it and take it to the section.
I put my gun away and I head to the attic. When I get inside, I start looking for Connor and calling it's name, but no succes. It doesn't take me too long to find it's body with a bullet straight through its head.

Author's note
I love Detroit: Become Human so much and I remember writing this right after I finished playing the game. There are some mistakes that I noticed throughout the chapters and I will try to fix them as soon as possible. :)

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