Obi-Wan Kenobi - Part 3 (END)

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Ben's body language tells you that the Inquisitor's words are a pain to him, his grip on the lightsaber softening to the point where you are scared he's going to drop it.

"Surely Lord Vader has more important businesses than to send regards to every hunted down Jedi. I'm just a Jedi like any other" Ben tries, but you can hear the fear in his voice.

He seems terrified of the answer the Inquisitor is going to give him, but at the same time, he needs to get one. You, on the other hand, are struggling to place some pieces together, to understand how it is possible to keep one of the most well-known Jedi ever under your roof for months and not realize it. In your mind, the whole story makes no sense, and you wish you could ask, but now isn't the time.

"I can't believe how oblivious you are!" the woman seems genuinely surprised with Ben's question. Her lightsaber never deactivates as she starts walking closer to the two of you, while plastering a smile drowned in superiority on her face. "Did you really think, when you left you Padawan to burn on Mustafar, that he would just disappear like that? Think about it, Obi-Wan! Stop denying the truth. Did you actually think Anakin died that day?"

Ben – or rather Obi-Wan – is taken aback by her words, as if they hit him like a bullet. He takes a step back, his breathing becoming irregular. The lightsaber is now lowering towards the ground since it seems to be too heavy for Obi-Wan. The Inquisitor takes advantage of Obi-Wan's moment of weakness to rush towards the two of you, raising her lightsaber menacingly.

You waste no time, and your blaster raises to meet her. You shoot twice, one blast going directly through her leg, but the second only grazing her torso, as she finally acknowledges your presence and she dodges, moving aside.

"Not a step closer!" you yell at her, feeling your throat hurt.

Obi-Wan is completely lost in his thoughts, muttering words that only he understands. Whatever the Inquisitor told him threw him off, but you have no time to try and understand what that means. The Inquisitor smiles at you, scanning you from head to toe, as if to understand how much of a threat you are. And she doesn't seem impressed with you at all.

"Did you know that helping and protecting a Jedi is punishable by death?" she asks rhetorically.

She charges at you again and you are aware that there is no way you can fight her on your own, but you have to hold your ground until Obi-Wan gets a grip on his thoughts and snaps back to reality.

You don't stop shooting at her, even though she dodges every blast, and it doesn't seem to be slowing her down. Panic sets in and you struggle to appear brave in front of the Inquisitor, but she's getting closer and closer, and you can't manage to find a weak spot.

"Ben. Ben, I need some help here!" you try a few times, but you get no answer from him, which only makes you panic even more. His lightsaber now deactivates, falling to the ground, a cloud of sand setting on it. "Obi-Wan, please!"

Shit, what do I do now?

The Inquisitor is now too close for comfort and it's clear to you that your blaster is useless, especially from such a small distance. You scramble to find a solution, seconds seemingly lasting for hours and time slowing down in the wake of a disaster. Suddenly you feel a strong pull towards the ground, something compelling you. The lightsaber.

You rush and grab the weapon, which instantly ignites the moment you touch it – and just at the right moment, as the Inquisitor's lightsaber hurls towards you, only to be stopped in a clash of powerful lightning.

When your eyes open, you're met with a face of mixed emotions – the first one you notice is shock, but under that you feel the anger and frustration of the woman. She can't understand how she didn't feel your energy in the Force.

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