Joshua Washington - Part 3

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When you open your eyes you expect to find yourself still on the floor of the lab, with everyone around you, trying to help you, but instead you feel cold before you can even open your eyes. Then you see a cave. A dark, never-ending and cold cave.
"What the hell?" you whisper.
You take two steps towards some kind of lake, noticing two figures in the water. Wanting to ask them for help, you raise a hand, but before you can even say a word, you recognize the figures. Mike and Josh.
Your feet stop and you can't help but hold your breath. Joshua Washington. In his human form. How is that even possible? He was locked up in your lab, in his Wendigo form.
Then you hear the terrible screech. Mike dissapears from your view, but you can see the terrifying Wendigo grabbing Josh. Josh fights to free himself. He sees something which makes him stop and you hear him ask, hopefully:
But the only answer he gets is a violent scream. The creature grabs his shirt and starts dragging him deeper into the cave. You can hear Josh's desperate screams and how he begs the Wendigo to let him go, how he begs Mike to help him. By this time you can already see a scared Mike hiding behind a stone wall, debating wether to help Josh or not. You can't watch this, you can't abandon him.
"NO! JOSH!" you yell, before you can think straight.
You cover your mouth as fast as possible, scared of the possible outcome of your stupid mistake.
The Wendigo let's go of Josh and screeches at you, starting to run towards you. You don't even try to run, you know it will get you. Your only chance is to stay still, even though the creature already knows your location. It's too late. You're gonna die. But you at least hope that Josh and Mike will use your distraction to run away and get to safety.
When the Wendigo almost gets to you, ready to feast on your warm flesh, you close your eyes, ready to accept your fate.
But you feel no pain, no touch, no sharp teeth ripping your flesh of your bones. Nothing.


You scream and stand up in your bed. Alice runs up to the side of the bed, grabbing your shoulder.
"Y/n hey! Calm down, you're fine" she exclaims.
You exhale, trying to settle down. You look around you. It's only Alice here. Who brought you up here? Probably one of the guys.
Josh. The dream! But was it a dream? It seemed so real. It looked just like what Mike described at your meeting, the last moment he saw Josh, but it was like you were part of it.
"We bandaged the scratch, it should heal in a couple of weeks. It's nothing too bad" Alice let's you know.
You dismiss her with a hand gesture and she stops talking.
"The DNA test, did you do it?" you ask.
She sighs and then laughs at your worries.
"Who do you take me for? Of course I took it, boss" she mocks you by calling you 'boss', but you don't mind it. You actually like her humor.
You raise your eyebrow as if you asked her "and?" and she complies:
"It's mixed" she informs you. "Mostly human, but there's something else there. Not necessarily DNA, but there's some kind of foreign body sticked on his DNA."
Closing your eyes you think of possible diseases that could do that, but deep down in your mind you know that this has nothing to do with science or medicine. Alice was right. It's way beyond that, it's something that you can't understand like you wish to. You heard about the tribes on this mountain and the curse of the Wendigo spirit and all those things, but you still hoped that there was a logical explanation for everything. But now you're starting to realize that there might be none.
"We have to try and isolate this foreign body from his DNA. Try it first on the test blood that you already have. We'll try to get some more blood after he calms down. Try everything you can. Low temperatures, antibiotics, high temperatures, plants, anything, Alice, got it?" you don't expect her to have any more questions or to be confused.
She nods and leaves to room to go to her lab, as you hurry to get to Josh.
You enter your lab and ask everyone to leave it at once. They listen to you, leaving you alone, in front of the cage.
Josh stops pacing around and he looks right into your eyes, his distorded features seemingly calming down.
You put a hand on the glass and he stares at it. He looks like he's holding his breath.
"I saw it, Josh. The moment the Wendigo took you. The moment Hannah took you. I-" you try to speak, but your interrupted by his screams.
He reacted as soon as you mentioned his sister, Hannah. Does he remember her?
"Josh! You remember Hannah? Your little sister..." you push, analyzing his reaction.
He smashes his huge fists to the glass, hissing at you. You smile, convinced that you got to something. Something that might help you get to his human self.
"Hannah and Beth. Your twin sisters. You thought you lost them when you went in that first trip. But Hannah survived!"
You know that what you're doing is unfair, that you're hurting him, opening wounds that he has been trying to seal for the past year, but this is a chance to get him back and you're not gonna lose it.
He screeches, tears in his eyes. 'Keep going, there's something going on here, it seems to be working'. The glass shakes at his strong, violent hits.
The doors open and Alice runs in, holding some papers. She ignores the situation in front of her.
"Anesthetic and extremly high temperatures weaken that foreign body!" She yells.
"Leave that now! I need a picture of the Washington twins!" you stop her.
"What?" she asks, confused.

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