Connor Part 2

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The interrogation is going like shit. The deviant refuses to talk to me, no matter how I choose to approach it. I'm already at the peak of frustration. I have no idea what to do. I screamed at it and it didn't even flinch. I tried being nice to it, but it didn't make any difference.
'Oh dad, how I wish you were here. You always knew what to do' I say to myself.
As I leave the interrogation room, one of the junior cops tells me that someone is waiting for me at my desk. I thank him and leave for my desk.
When I get to the desk I can't belive my eyes.
'Connor?' I ask, shocked.
'Lieutenant, good to see you again' it smiles at me, as if nothing was wrong.
'But how is this possible? You were killed. I saw you!'
'The previous Connor model was unfortunately destroyed. I am a new model, but Connor's old memories were transferred to me. So, we could say I'm the same Connor'.
There's no emotion in its voice. It's programmed to say everything. There is no empathy or regret in it.
'So everytime you die, you come back?' I question, out of curiosity.
'Most probably, yes'
'Ah, great, that means I can kill you everytime you annoy me and not worry about being punished or feeling bad.'
I smile, trying to show Connor that I don't really care about it and that its smiles and nice talks aren't working with me. It looks pretty shocked by the way I reacted, but I change the subject before it can say anything.
'Anyway, I think you can help me. The deviant that killed you yesterday is in the interrogation room. I've been trying for the past two hours to get something out of it, but to no avail. Maybe you can convince it to talk. I mean, you're like it, maybe it will trust you'
'I'm not like it. I'm no deviant, Lieutenant' Connor corrects me.
I wave my hand to let it know that it doesn't really matter and that it gets what I'm trying to say. I lead it to the interrogation room and I can't help but to look at Connor and analyze it. It looks just like a human and that to me is scary.
I open the door for Connor and leave it alone inside with the deviant. I sit behind the one-way mirror and listen to them. Connor tried everyway possible to convince the deviant that they're on the same side and at some point I actually thought it would work, but then Connor made a huge mistake and decided to tell the deviant what was going to happen to it after the investigation. The deviant did not like the idea of being destroyed. And for real, why would Connor tell him that? That was really cruel. I guess that's just the proof that it doesn't feel anything.
The deviant refuses to speak again, so I prepare to tell Connor to leave, but then I see it reaching for the deviants hand. They both seem to be in pain, when Connor touches it. I start screaming in the microphone for Connor to stop it. After a few seconds, it lets go of the deviant and comes out the room.
'I accessed it's memory. We have proof that the deviant is the killer. It's just as good as a confession' Connor informs me.
'What the hell is wrong with you?! We are not supposed to hurt them, deviants or not, guilty or not. If you hurt and bully them, you're not any better than them. Telling it that it was going to be killed? Why the fuck would you do that? That was cruel'
Connor watches me with a blank face, not understanding what it did wrong.
'I did what I had to for the investigation. Nothing matters more than the investigation'
I blink repeatedly, at loss of words. All I can feel is anger. I am angry at this stupid machine. I am angry at that deviant. I am angry at my father for leaving me, at this investigation, at everyone and everything around me. But mostly at Connor. I push him and he doesn't even try to stop me. I push him again.
'React in some way! How can you just sit there and let me hurt you?'
'I do not feel pain, Lieutenant'
'Fuck you!'
I walk right past him, forcing myself not to punch him or even kill him. I leave the police section and as I'm on the way home, I get a call from a dispatcher, letting me know that there was another murder at a night club. There we go again...

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