Usagi's First Birthday

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This is going to contain - Romance, lotso fluff, bit of spice, lactation, public breast feeding, some angst and family drama.

Our baby is turning a year old! We decided to have a small party but an uninvited guests decides to show up out of the blue.


"Katsuki, are you ready? It's time to go."

"Give me a second Bunny, I can't find the baby powder." He called from upstairs saying the bottle wasn't on the changing table like it usually is. His diligence made you smile, because he said he'd pack the baby bag today since you're usually the one who does it. That just meant he'd make sure to bring all your little one's essentials.

"You hear that my wittle Usagi, Daddy packing your powder so your little bum doesn't get a rash." You sweetly coo'd, rubbing your nose up against her cheek and watching her delightfully wiggle in your grasp. All of her tiny fingers patted at your face, before playing with your long hair.

"Found it finally. I forgot I changed her on the fly in the bathroom." Rumbled your Wolfy husband descending down the stairs with the baby bag over his shoulder and the car keys in his other hand. "She has some snacks packed as well, and two bottles. One has apple juice and the other milk." He informed watching you nod your head, while an endearing smile formed on your lips when he leaned down and gave Usagi's temple a little smooch.

"Da-da." She babbled, flailing her arms out in his direction. Both of you were cheesing so hard and that wasn't even the first time she'd spoken but it was still so damn cute to hear her talk.

"That's right Thumper, Come here my little rugrat." Gladly did you pass her to him, watching the playful way he bounced her around in his arms, before blowing a raspberry against her squishy little cheek. Now she was squealing and saying 'no' several times which was her next favorite word besides Mama of course.

"Gasp, you can't tell me no. You mean yes? Yes please kiss me some more right?" You snorted at the way he talked for her when she clearly wasn't to sure what he was saying. Although she still giggled and seemed to enjoy the way he peppered her face.

She was at the age where she was starting to understand and know what certain things were called, but a lot of it was still hard for her to say. For the most part she knew how to call to both of you, say no and yes, and a few of her toys. She also did a lot of imitation, like if she was watching tv and saw someone clap she would too. It was the cutest.

"Alright lets go." Taking his offered hand you watched him slide on his sneakers, since you already had yours on. When he stepped out you made sure the door was locked, before watching him carefully strap her into her baby seat. She really didn't like being separated from either of you, which is why she began crying her little head off.

"Shh, Shh You'll be okay. We gonna go for a drive. Vroom vroom in the car~" Even Bakugou was laughing at your cute talk, and only snickered when you gave him a playful shove. It would seem that the motion of the car did calm her down, but it also helped that you kept looking back and making silly faces.

"I think Usagi will really like her first birthday. I hope she likes the cake I made too." You hummed in an air of excitement, reminiscing to him how you'd used all the culinary skills you've been learning the past 2 years to make a really adorable cake.

He knows more than anyone that you made a really silly cake with a unicorn and sprinkles on it. The fact he would have to eat something so frou frou didn't even bother him. It had been awhile but the image he had as notorious gangster leader was almost completely gone. He was husband and daddy extraordinaire now and didn't regret anything.

Embers Of Your Darkness(Gangster!Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now