The Anxiety of Separation

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No major warnings for this chapter, it's just full of angst.

Our parents were worried when it became over a week and they hadn't heard or seen us. They know the story Bakugou fed them is suspicious. What will they do if they figure out the truth?


"Are you sure you don't want me to come in with you?"

"I'm Sure. Though I'd like to be with you longer Katsuki." You assured with a tender smile, gliding both arms around his back as you rested your check against his chest. His own paws slunk around your frame right away, frowning at the way he'd just gotten you back yesterday and would have to separate from you already.

"My Parents didn't sound happy when I talked to them yesterday. I need to make them understand I'm okay and try to convince them nothing major happened." Your head nodded telling him you remembered the story he'd told them, and your intentions were just to elaborate on it a little.

Lifting his hand he cupped your cheek, tiptoeing his fingers along your skin before fraying into your hair and pushing at the back of your head to connect your lips in a wanting kiss. Your own appendages gladly parted to allow a more passionate lip lock, wafting both of your hands around his neck to hold him close.

You can't help but smile and enjoy the tender and possessive way he's holding you. Being in this mans arms is the most safest spot in the entire world. The scary experience from a few days ago did nothing to change your feelings or emotions towards him. Besides, when you parted from him your eyes trailed down to the necklace..replaying over and over how he'd asked you to marry him.

"I fucking like how you can barely keep your eyes off that necklace. My Bunny Fiance."

A shy flutter passed through your expression but you nodded your head wholeheartedly. "I love you and I can't wait to marry you..and call you my..h-husband.." You whispered, hiding your face against his broad chest and clinging to the back of his black shirt. Your movement causing you to miss the bite of his bottom lip, before pressing his nose into the top of your tresses.

You held each other for a little while longer but eventually had to let go. With another kiss and a promise you'd see him at school on Monday even if he didn't want to be there, he reluctantly let you go. His scarlet eyes watching you turn around and step along the path up to your house, waiting for you to start knocking before lifting his hand in a mild wave and flinging them into his pockets afterwards walking away.

Your parents both practically ran to the door tugging you inside and hugging you tightly. Flurries of questions bombarded you, ranging from Where is phone? What happened to your house keys? Why hadn't you come home sooner? Each question honestly very appropriate as they were your parents but you began relaying the story you hoped they would believe.

Despite being very articulate, specially since you'd rehearsed telling this story to Bakugou a few times to make sure you didn't stutter while speaking it. When you were done both of your parents shared an expression that brought a nervousness to your heart. They spoke to each other in a hushed whisper for a second before focusing on you again.

"Is that really the story you want to go with?" Asked your mother with a frown curving her lips.

Both of your hands squeezed the jeans you were wearing, forcing a smile onto your face and a confused laugh to haze from your lips. "What do you mean Mom? I got sick Katsuki took care of me..I'm sorry that I lost my phone..I'm not perfect. I really didn't do it on purpose.." You spoke paraphrasing your already given story, with a silent gulp.

Embers Of Your Darkness(Gangster!Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now