Fear Of The Truth

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Reader-chan has been feeling a little sick lately, what could it possible mean!?~ When the truth finally comes out, what will our lovely and most handsome wolfy husband think?


10mins have gone by since you entered the bathroom and began staring at yourself in the mirror. Today is like the 3rd day in a row where you woke up before Bakugou feeling nauseous and on the verge of throwing up. Nothing has actually happened and it usually goes away rather quickly if you remain still enough..but fear swells inside your body for what this might mean.

At first you thought maybe you simply ate something bad, but quickly dismissed it. Your wolfy husband was the household cook. There was no way he would use food that went expired or even let you eat something that was raw. Less you were trying to sneak cookie dough, which you often liked to make. Even if he wasn't a big sweet fan he did like some of the cookies you made.

Second you thought, maybe you'd gotten the flu from someone at school or maybe even some of the kids that came into 1up. Ever since being out of your parents house you gladly went back to regularly working there with Kaminari. Even if it felt like you were basically getting paid to be Bakugou's girlfriend.

You smile at this thought shaking your head, it wasn't like you didn't pull your weight when you were there. You did work, following all of Kaminari's instructions. Yeah the job you had wasn't hard but it didn't have to be. Honestly, you just liked not completely sponging off Bakugou even if he was fine with 'bringing home the bacon' he had said with a handsome grin.

Work aside after waking up today, being the 3rd one in a row with almost painful nausea..a realization formed inside your head. Which is why you'd been staring at the pads for your monthly cycle in the reflection of the mirror..and trying to grasp with a heavy weight inside your stomach that you hadn't used any of them.

I...I could be pregnant..?

Lifting up your night shirt you looked at your belly, it didn't seem any bigger but you read some girls don't show till like the 3rd or 4th month. Placing both hands on the edge of your stomach, you can't help but feel anxious. Bakugou and you are rather enraptured with each other, which has lead to many passionate rounds of love making in the past month.

Usually he always uses a condom, and if he doesn't..he has good reflexes and pulls away. Suddenly you remember the day you got your tattoo's, as you lift your hand and smack it against the mirror. Both of your eyes instantly darting down to the beautiful art adorning your wrist.

I remember..we made love that day..and he got so excited that..that he..forgot the condom and actually...inside me..

With heat pooling in your belly it seemed to actually make sense. Back then you hadn't really thought about it. Simply assuming nothing would happened if it was only one time. Those health videos now make more sense..it really does only take one time.

It's not like I'm sure...that I'm pregnant or not. I could be jumping to conclusions.

That thought made you feel a little better, helping you calm down and conclude that before you get to nervous you simply needed to buy a pregnancy test. Maybe more than one to get a conclusive result. Just as you were turning on the faucet to wash your face, a few knocks rattled the door before the love of your life called out.

"Bunny, you been in there for like 30minutes. Did you fall in?~" His playful voice made you giggle, turning to open the door and slide right into his masculine bare chest. "Mhm, Hugs are nice. Kisses are fucking better though~." Came his seductive rasp, fraying one of his paws up against the back of your head, while the other caressed along your hip.

Embers Of Your Darkness(Gangster!Katsuki x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin