The Kidnapped Princess

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This is going to contain - attempted sexual assault, inner gang violence, descriptive gore. Mineta is a bad guy, sorry not sorry.

We've been kidnapped by a so called 'gentleman gangster' is there really such a thing? Will we find out what our wild Wolfy stole that his opposite Todoroki Shoto desires so much?

Lets find out.


The walk down the long hallway gave you a moment to prepare yourself for a more proper meeting with the two toned gang leader named Todoroki Shoto. All you could do was hope that he wouldn't cause you unnecessary harm, but you were still very frightened. True to your bunny nature you desperately wanted to scamper in the other direction, but stepped behind Toga regardless.

Soon you came upon a door that she immediately opened leading the way in and swooned at the romantic setting on the table in the middle of the room. Before she even spoke your eyes swept over the candles and flowers landing immediately on the handsome face of the heterochromic Todoroki sitting at the head of the table.

"I'm glad you could finally come join me, (Y/n)." He spoke smoothly and calmly as he sat up and pulled a chair to the right side of him motioning for you to come join him. "I hope you're hungry, you were out for a few hours after all. I'm having one of my people bring us some food."

With caution in your slow steps, you edged over towards him gently placing yourself into the chair allowing him to be a gentleman and push you up under the table. "Thank you..I..I kind of hungry but I'm more concerned about Katsuki.." Your hands twiddled together in your lap, lifting your head to watch him slide back into his chair with a most curious expression.

"I assure you, I didn't harm Bakugou." Relief flooded through your eyes, but the moment you parted your lips he held up his hand to silence you. "However, what happens next depends on him. I don't want to give in to unnecessary violence but I also will not allow Bakugou to do as he pleases." With a calm trill behind his voice Todoroki explains that he will do whatever he has to to keep his gang thriving and obtain the item your rowdy lover had stolen from him.

Curiosity overflows inside your mind so vividly that before you can stop yourself you've already asked him a very important question. "What does Katsuki have that you want so badly? Why is it so important to you?" Honestly the moment the questioned left your lips, you were sure you'd overstepped but..Todo's thin lips curved up a smile forming on his face that would make almost anyone's knee's weak.

"Bakugou doesn't really tell you to much does he?"

"W-when it comes to his gang he just doesn't want me to be involved.." You murmur unable to deny the pang inside your chest from his words. Quite often you thought about doing whatever you could to help the one you cared about the most, but he was always adamant about keeping you at a distance from his illegal gang activities.

"That's a commendable effort, but all it really does is alienate you from a part of his life. A very important one at that. Keeping you safe and stagnant in a relationship just makes you look ignorant to everything that's going on."

You'd never frowned so deeply, turning your head to stare down at the empty space in front of you on the table. Even if you wished to defend the way Bakugou kept you away from things he deemed dangerous, you couldn't deny that it was only recently that you learned some of the truer darker things about his past.

He always kept painful things close to his heart so that it wouldn't get even more damaged than it already was. Such a thought brings a tear to the corner of your eye, that ebbs down the moment you blink.

Embers Of Your Darkness(Gangster!Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now