A Special Birthday For My Wolf

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This will contain a mild form of angst but trust me it's gonna be a rewarding experience.

Today April 20th is our lovely Wolfy's Birthday! How will we make today special for the man we love? Will he be surprised? How will he react when we stumble across an unexpected person?


"So I can pick where ever I want to have Dinner, right Bunnyzilla?"

You giggled nodding your head, enjoying his changing nicknames because this was a play on how he'd called you pregzilla not to long ago. "That's right my Wolfy. Anywhere you want to eat, my treat for the birthday man." He hummed as you leaned on the hood next to him, watching you subtly rub your round baby jelly.

"I'm sorry that you have to drive though. If I could.." You looked down to your stomach with a soft frown, but he was quick to tilt your chin back up to his alluring eyes. Assuring with the warm capture of your lips that he didn't mind or care. He would rather you be safe, you and Thumper were his first priority no matter what.

"Don't sweat a stupid detail like that Bunny. I'm fine driving, I'll just make sure I get your moneys worth for dinner. Maybe 100$ worth a pizza." He joked, watching you delightfully giggle smiling as you assured him if that was what he wanted, you would give into any desire he had.

His expression softened, tugging you against his chest sighing contently at the plush feeling of your stomach against his own. He knew you meant those words, just another reason to love you and indulge in being as greedy as he wanted. Because you didn't see what he wanted as arrogance, just simple desire.

"Hmm I think I have an idea. Lets go." He pulled away scooting you with a push at your squishy ass that he of course enjoyed. Soon he was easing open the passenger door, making sure the seat was far enough back and helping you safely buckle your seat beat in a way that didn't put to much pressure on Thumper.

"Thank you my gentlemanly Wolf." He snorted at what sounded like a backwards statement, but enjoyed the warm peck of your soft lips against his cheek. He returned the motion with a slippery lick of his own, grinning wickedly at your huffy expression before closing the door and easing around to the drivers side.

After buckling himself in and backing out you curiously peaked out the window paying attention to the direction he was going. You knew many of the places he liked to eat at and could probably place an educated guess on where he might be going. When you notice the sign for a McDonald's you can't help but giggle.

"Not feeling McDonald's today?"

"Pfff, Nah not today." He snorted, shaking his head at the thought of ordering 100 chicken nuggets. "Would your silly Bunny ass be surprised if I had chosen to go there?"

"Not at all, because then i'd get to eat a Mcflurry and french fries. It's a yummy combo."

"You and your damn weird cravings. I have a better restaurant in mind though." You gave him a soft smile, gladly taking his hand when he offered. Giving it a squeeze it in your grasp before placing it on your tummy, leaning back to enjoy how casual and precise his driving was.

Eventually he was pulling away, when he had to turn up into a very familiar parking lot. Just looking at the cursive sign brought back a slew of nice memories. Even if on that same day your Father had cruelly suggested you abort the baby you had created with the man you loved.

"I kind of thought you might pick here. I remember you enjoying those ribs you had." Your voice was soft as you exited the car together and immediately hugged him tight when you were close enough. "You also stole some of the three cheese macaroni I ordered. Like a meanie~."

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