Invited To The Wolfs Den(L)

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This is going to contain - Romantic smex, Oral, slight blowjob, multiple orgasms, position change with passionate riding, cremepie.

We've just gotten symbolic tattoos to display our mutual feelings! Will we go home right away or will our wolfy lover have much better..more passionate ideas?~


It was a most interesting situation that had prompted you to get a tattoo, but the one you'd cared for deeply made the whole process a thousand times better. Specially when he knew it was going to be painful for you.

He had you sitting in his lap while you held out your arm, telling you to squeeze him as tightly as you needed to. Both of his own paws squished your hips and hugged you to his chest, whispering into your ear that it would be over soon. The site of your glossy eyes making him feel mildly bad.

"Shh..You'll be okay. You're my fucking little tough Bunny." He tenderly nudged your cheek with his nose, before nibbling at the edge like you were a chewy piece of mochi.

Not just the words but his puppy like maneuvers had a smile splayed on your lips, able with his help to focus on something else besides the prickling pain. A kiss or two was distracting as well, not to mention being under his ensnaring scarlet red eyes that you missed wholeheartedly during the many weeks you'd been forbidden to see each other.

Next thing you know it's over, and the tender skin of your left wrist is being carefully bandaged with a cloth and clear plastic. You'd never felt such a sensation inside your chest as you placed your wrapped up wrist next to his own. It didn't even matter that you couldn't seen your romantic themed pieces of art, it was just incredible that you'd actually gone through with it.

"There, see that wasn't to bad. My Bunny wunny is a little baby though and likes to cry~" He teased, and it just brought elation to every part of your body as you pushed softly at his chest whispering with a smile how mean he was.

Next thing you know your movement of wrapping around his neck and kissing him like he's the only reason you can breath..has everything that makes up gangster leader Bakugou Katsuki completely soft. What would his days be like without you? A mild shake of his head refuses to give life to a moment that wont have you in it.

For a long while he indulges in your flavor, even fraying his fingers into the back of your hair keeping you together as long as possible. Was Hawks watching? It didn't even matter, because soon you were parting and edging backwards off his lap so you could both stand up.

"My arm feels tingly." You giggled, unable to keep your eyes off your bandaged wrist. He snickered saying he sort of felt the same, while also mentioning a mild annoyance he had with the material because it made him itchy.

"Just use lotion to make that feeling subside." Spoke Hawks coming out of a back room with some papers in his hand, astutely explaining the tattooed area was going to feel sensitive and tender for at least a week. "I also printed both of you aftercare instructions, because I know Bakugou doesn't like to listen."

"That's only cause you like to yammer on about junk I'm not interested in." Bakugou snapped, yanking both papers from him and handing you one. With a curious blink you looked it over, but none of the instructions were hard or seemed abnormal. Although you did note how a certain brand of lotion was recommended so you'd have to get some of that.

"Come on (Y/n), Lets go. I'm tired of looking at this chicken."

With a giggle you gladly took his hand, after folding your paper up and sliding it into your jean pocket. You'd just barely thanked Hawks for his work, when your aggressive Wolfy tugged you out the back door and back up to the side of his bike.

Embers Of Your Darkness(Gangster!Katsuki x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora