Strength Of The Moonlight Luna

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No warnings except maybe the angst of being misunderstood by your parents.

Our Wolfy has been arrested and his gang has been momentarily left without their leader. Despite our despairing emotions will we be able to find a way to help our bright eyed Fiance?


"(Y/n), you can't ignore me the rest of your life." Your Father spoke, watching you frown before turning away. His own expression becoming pained as he stepped closer, placing down a bowl to the side of you. "Here, I thought you might like some of your favorite ice cream."

Both of your eyes glanced momentarily at the scoops, noting he'd added some hot fudge and even some sprinkles. Although, it looked extremely tasty it practically screamed bribery because he felt terrible about letting his anger get away from him just a few days ago.

"I said I was sorry before right, baby girl? I'm just doing what I think is best for you. "

"What's best for me Dad, is the man you had arrested. The one whom you liked in the beginning." You whispered, reminiscing aloud how he and your mom both accepted his rash personality and could see that despite his aggressive tendencies his display of affection was true.

"That was before we knew he was a Gangster (Y/n). You lied to us from the beginning, your mother and I assumed he was a nice boy. Not a criminal in the making."

Your lips curve down clenching your hands against your sweatpants, before startling your dad with a soft laugh. "I don't know why I keep trying. Katsuki was right..and he was the one whom felt more betrayed by how quick you turned on him then I did." Memories of the deep conversation you had about the reveal of his own horrid parents drift along in your mind bringing tears to your eyes.

"I didn't know back then but..It was so important for him to find some adults he could start trusting again."

Silence fills the air, but at least he can feel some kind of relief when you start quietly spooning the ice cream into your mouth. You're still the sweet and caring daughter he helped raise, and you can't bring yourself to waste food even if you're upset with him.

"(Y/n), Bakugou is dangerous. I just want my daughter to be safe."

"He has never once hurt me. You think he's some kind of monster but..truth is you don't know him at all." When he tries to continue his speech about knowing what's best for you, all your head does is shake distancing yourself to the other side of the room.

"It doesn't matter what you say, keeping us apart right now is only delaying the inevitable."

Despite your clear disinterest in everything else he starts to say, he continues to ramble on for awhile. It doesn't matter though, as you choose to focus on your nice memories with the bright eyed Bakugou and the sweet flavor of the ice cream he bought you. It's delicious flavor does actually help you relax, at least you can silently thank your dad for that.

Eventually the brooding face of your father scowled, muttering in anger how ungrateful you were even though he'd provided you with everything you wanted. By time he'd stomped away and slammed your door, there were tears in your eyes for the billionth time in the past couple of days or more accurately weeks.

The only time you weren't full of dread and despair were those 2 days Bakugou had swept you away in the middle of the night to get a tattoo and the morning after where you could enjoy being a couple. It had only been 3 or 4 days, but you missed everything about him.

Without him around it was like the sun would never come out again. Even the pictures and stuffed animals he'd given you, didn't bring the same joy anymore. You'd grown greedy and if you had to be honest the wild wolf probably wanted it that way. He needed you to be desperate for him so he'd know there was never a chance you'd leave him.

Embers Of Your Darkness(Gangster!Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now