Being There For You(L)

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This is going to contain - Public roof sex, 2nd round, passionate riding,

Thank you everyone for the votes! I hope you enjoy this chapters as well.

I appreciate you lovely bunnies for being so cooperative. I love you guys QuQ


"I'm so glad you came today, Katsuki.."


"Did you see my race?"

"I did, good job Bunny. You should of got first place though." He teased, with a press of his palm against your cheek tilting your face up just so he could playfully bit the tip of your nose that just had you giggling. He chuckled as you countered his gesture with a tender nip of his cheek, wrapping both hands around his waist nuzzling into his chest.

It felt deplorable of you to doubt this man, but you honestly had good reason to expect him not to show up today. He was busy, not to mention school events didn't mean anything to him but when you said you were participating in some of them he said he'd 'try to make it'. When the first two ended and he had yet to arrive, you thought for sure he was unable to get away from his gang duties.

However, during the 100meter dash right as you were getting ready to start you spotted him in the crowd. All it took was a simple gesture of his hand letting you know he'd made it and that he was watching for you to give it everything you had.

You got 3rd place, which was better than you'd ever done before and you had to thank just his presence for motivating you to do your best. While honestly just being in his gaze, knowing you were the only one who captured his beautiful red eyes..was like a much more exhilarating feeling than getting first place could of ever been.

"I bet You could of won hands down, I would of liked to see that."

"Events for school interest me, as much as actual shitty school does." He sighed, but he did admit seeing you visibly try your best why he silently cheered you on had him on his toes. It was odd for him to feel disappointed that you didn't win, you were so close but your unwavering smile towards him said you didn't care about winning.

"You're right though, I would of dominated those fucking extras for sure." He snickered, gliding a few of his fingers down the back of your head as you lifted to giggle at his smug nature. With a content smile curving to your lips you rested the palm of your hand on his stomach and leaned back on his shoulder, to admire the darkening night sky. Both of you were laying on one of the blankets you'd borrowed from the gym storage room on top of the roof at school.

It was a romantic and soothing setting, where you were completely grateful just to spend some sensual alone time with him. You'd been dating for over 8 months at this point, and enjoyed every little moment you could be together. Because he was a busy man, whom lived a dangerous life and sometimes would be unable to see you for several days in a row.

The worst part was when he would show up days later with new bruises or bandages and there would be very little you could do to alleviate his pain. At least that's what you thought, but just being with you made him feel several times better even if he never said as much out loud.

Being close to his body and enjoying his heat, brought you more peace of mind than anything else ever could. Why did you have to fall for someone who had such a clearly dangerous vibe? Yet the embers of his darkness would make you feel warm, complete, and at peace contrary to whatever anyone else thought of him.

Bakugou had his eyes closed enjoying the solitude of just being with the one he cared about until he felt a few of your fingers gently tracing along his stomach. Getting a sneaky little idea he startled you by unbuttoning his undershirt and grabbing your hand to place against his sculptured abs.

Embers Of Your Darkness(Gangster!Katsuki x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt