Sweetheart To A Gangster(L)

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This is going to contain - romantic shower sex, Oral, slight blowjob.

Our dearest Wolfy is known for his aggressive and dangerous attitude. We already know the most people treat him like an inconvenient shadow, but at least he still tries to come to school every now and then. What happens when a nice Kouhai(Underclassmen) flirts with you and he happens to see it?


Opening your shoe locker you hummed softly as you traded your school shoes for your white and blue sneakers. Today had been pretty boring, nothing fun happened during class and it was even worse because Bakugou had to leave after lunch.

He'd gotten a phone call about something his people had found, which meant stolen, and he had to leave to oversee how they wanted to sell it. Even though you didn't want him to leave, you knew he had things to take care of. So after a parting kiss he said he'd see you at 1up a little later.

"Ah, (Y/n)-senpai are you heading home already?" Turning up your head you watch, a freshman you've become friends with named Hinata slide on his shoes and basically hop right to your side.

"Not exactly Hinata-kun, I'm going to work. I don't have homework to worry about, so I'm free to clock in a few hours." You explain to him walking forward with him trailing beside you with sparkles in his eyes. He was only a year younger than you but he sure acted like he might still be in middle school.

"That's so cool! You have a job, I wish my parents would let me work. They say its better to focus on boring school.." He sighs, making you laugh when he envies you so deeply. If only he knew exactly how you got the job and whom ran said workplace.

"Where do you work by the way? Do you mind if I walk you there?"

"Not at all, I think you'll like it." You smile brightly, not really noticing how his cheeks darken admiring how pretty your natural dimples are. Nursing a crush on you because you're an older classmate who's really mature and very kind to him.

"It's actually an arcade called 1up. We have a lot of different games, ranging from claw machines, to fighting, shooters, racing, and even DDR."

"An arcade? For real? You really do have it all, Senpai." You can't help but just laugh sheepishly, rubbing a hand through the back of your head admitting it really is a most wonderful job. The tender smile on your lips is for the one whom helped you get a fantastic job, but to Hinata your expression fuels his romantic delusions about you.

While you lead the way down the side walk, you answer some of his curious questions. Like if you make good money, or if a lot of people work there. Even wondering if it's a popular arcade center, because he admits he hasn't really heard of it before. 

Which doesn't surprise you, it's a little out of the way but even if you're a bit bias you think it has better games and a wider space than most others. By time you've gloated a bit about how much you like it, in no time at all you're right in front of the building and gesturing to it with a smile.

"See here it is, the fantastic 1up arcade~"

"Wow it is a pretty big building and..oh my god! It has the new mortal kombat game!" He beams practically smooshing his face up against the window to swoon at the machine on the other side. Your head nods remember that it just came in like two days ago, Kaminari had left you in charge that day to see its installing.

"You could come inside and play, although I am sorry that I can't actually offer it on the house or for free." You apologize softly and he instantly waves his hands back and forth saying he wouldn't dream of taking advantage of you like that. It was never his intention to get something for free. He is rather sweet it makes you smile.

Embers Of Your Darkness(Gangster!Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now