"S-Sehun" He heard gasps, and as he finally slid down the last stair two arms were holding him, pulling him, straightening his drained body. Sehun wants to smile again, because at least he would take his last breathe in the arms of his loved one. He doesn't even have any power left to return the hold back. He can only lean and inhale. Still the same..... his favourite. Didn't he change his Cologne? He chokes, his wet fingers glinding over the clothed part humming with his every gulp.

"C-Call the Ambulance! K-Kyungsoo h-hurry! S-Shit... S-Sehun s-stay a-awake o-okay b-baby" He could feel the body vibrating under him but all he could do was humm. That voice, his favourite voice. Baby? He loved it. Should Sehun feel himself being lucky? To hear him, to hold him for one last time, yet why does he not feel sad?


With lot of gulping his own bile, Sehun finally made an effort. He just can't wait to sleep but also he don't want to go just yet.


Suho heard a very very faint voice like a whisper. If he wasn't holding Sehun so close he would have never heard it.

"H-Hyung" There it was again. Suho's trembling fingers tied the cloth on Sehun's wrist and pulled him in a more erect way. His Sehun was on the verge of dissolving. Suho don't know how much he craved to hold him again, to kiss him, to hear him call his name, but never did he ever wished for his love to give up his arms.

"I......I.......T-Tell.......S-Some...thing" Sehun's voice cracked at every word. Suho wants to scold him for talking yet his heart was protesting. It was screaming at him to pull the fragile boy into his arms but his mind was alerting him of Sehun's injury which itself was terrifying. Sehun had lost a lot of blood, even the cloth Suho tied was soaking red.

"W-What is i-it B-Baby?" Suho stammered glancing at the door an Sehun from time to time. Why is the ambulance still not here? Grandma seemed to be fainted so Kyugsoo choose to attend her. Suho was panicking but he composed himself and lead Sehun's lips towards his ears so that even if Sehun whispers he would hear it.

"S-Say....W-What..."  Suho could hear a faint sound of alarm roaring outside but he was concentrated over Sehun who was leaning onto him.

"H-Hyung...I....L-Love Y-You" Suho's breathe hitches as a sob threaten to escape his lips.  "I...umm....I..... l-love y-you, a-always h-have, a-always....will" Sehun gasped, leaning more closer to the warmth.

Before Suho could react more there were arms around him trying to gently pry Sehun away from him and that's when Suho's mind goes numb, he doesn't notice the commotion, nurses following,  Kyungsoo sobbing, calling for his attention, but all Suho could hear was Sehun's voice, his weak breathing, his faint heart beat and his soft yet broken confession.

"B-but maybe...just...maybe....I.....I'm n-not for y-you" Finally, the tears that Sehun was holding, that he was forcing himself to not fall, broke down in waves. "S-Sehun a-and S-Suho a-are not for each...each other"

Suho was out of breath as he pulled Sehun up in a bridal style and hurriedly carried him out towards the ambulance. The nurses tried to make him stay back but Suho was not having any of it. They know who he was, a respectful businessman known all over South Korea who is known to be polite, smart and charming but no one knew how protective and possessive he could be. Some were shocked when he joined them inside clutching onto the palm of the young man who was lying unconscious.

Who was he even to the handsome CEO? Some even teared up at the affection and gentle nature of the Businessman who are mostly known to be cruel and selfish. But this one was beyond what they expected. There were no forcing or panic just plain concern and fire in his eyes. Just soothing words and soft whispers.

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