Chapter 19

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He felt excited.
It was almost mid October and their comeback had been a success to say the least.
Their new concept was certainly having the desired effect on the general population and they had already been able to bag interviews on some major American talk shows.
The next month was going to be jam- packed.

All seven members were sitting around a table enjoying snacks.

They were in Japan. Specifically Osaka.

They had just finished a few fanmeets there. The next day they would be flying to Taipei for two more concerts of their "Wings" tour.
He half wished they could get it over with quickly so that he could completely focus on their new album.
Handling two entirely different concepts at once was confusing.

However he was in a particularly good mood because of the upcoming concerts. He loved concerts. He lived for them. The roar of the crowd and freedom he felt through the open space and impromptu interactions made him feel alive.
For him it was definitely the best part of being a musical artist.

He chucked a handful of the remaining fries in his mouth before Jungkook could swallow the basket whole. Jungkook was good at a lot of things and eating was certainly one of them.
But Jimin knew he worked out as much as he ate, hence no one had ever caught him slipping. His body was as perfect as ever.

Taehyung was resting his head on Jungkook's shoulder and going through his phone.
The others sat around the table in weird positions, some half asleep, some half drunk.
A can of beer stood open in front of Yoongi.

Jimin sneakily peeped into Taehyung's phone to see him going through some pictures of when he had MC'd at the SBS Inkigayo Super Concert a few weeks before.
His co-MC's had been Kim Jisoo from Blackpink and Jinyoung from GOT7.

"Ah! Jisoo" said Jimin loudly making Taehyung literally drop his phone in panic.

"Huh!?" he said while scrambling down to collect his phone.

Jimin felt the laughter bubble in him and he let it out loudly.

He knew Taehyung had a crush on Jisoo even though he pretended not to.
As Taehyung's bestfriend he felt it was his duty to pester him about it till he admitted to it.

"I wasn't looking at her." said Taehyung finally sitting back down after retrieving his phone.

"Hyung", said Jungkook with an amused expression, "I was watching your screen the whole time."

He laughed with Jungkook as Taehyung got up and went to sit beside Hoseok, who was fast asleep with his mouth hanging open.

He still felt incredibly overwhelmed at times but the upcoming events had lifted his spirits. That and the fact that he didn't have to deal with dating issues anymore had a taken a big load off his shoulders.
It had been more than a month since they had broken up and he had reached out to Seulgi again, a few days ago.

He had felt like the awkward post relationship period was over and he didn't plan on losing her friendship.
They had a lot in common and he valued her opinions and advice.
She had responded and they had exchanged casual and friendly words.
He was quite content with how the whole thing had turned out.

After their tour they had many performances to deal with. The ones in America he felt would be of great importance. He knew American media and celebrities didn't give a shit about them but these appearances would still give them a lot of exposure and relevancy.
He was excited to have more close contact with their fans.

They were also nominated for an award at the American Music Awards.
He was unsure of how it would turn out.

"Our fandom is bigger maybe"

He reached out and grabbed a new can of beer.


She got out of the SUV after Sana and felt instantly blinded by the flashing lights of cameras.

They had released their 1st Japanese single the previous day, titled "One More Time" and now she was on her way with the rest of her group to Japan for promotional purposes.

She adjusted her clothes nervously and waved at the cameras.
She had never really gotten used to all the media people showing up wherever they went. It was frustrating at times.

Sana hooked her arm with hers and they followed the others in to the main airport building.
The reporters and cameramen started to close in on them and she started to feel mildly claustrophobic before their security team pushed them away.

"Jeez" she thought irritated, "don't these people have any decency."
She faked another smile at the cameras while instinctively holding Sana close.
She was always on protective-mom mode when it came to her members and outsiders.
She naturally felt a need to protect them. Perhaps she had learnt it from her two elder sisters.

She hadn't told anyone the complete story of what happened with Mark.
Mostly because she didn't know what to make of it herself.
For the time being she would focus on her career.

She was tired of Jimin, Mark and just the entire male population in general.
"Who needs them, women are superior anyways"

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