Chapter 9

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"Today's the big day"

The day for MAMA had finally arrived and he felt nervous as hell.
He and Hoseok had to perform their collab stage. As if the dance wasn't already hard enough he had to perform blindfolded. That's right. BLINDFOLDED.

Since the MMA's they had been given one day off and after that they had been working nonstop. Literally.
He hadn't talked or met with anyone outside of Bighit and BTS, except for the small talk with Seulgi he managed to squeeze in before sleep.

After their intro, they still had to perform two more songs back to back.
He prayed he would pull it off.

It was time for their performance and Jimin and Hoseok made their way onto the stage. It was deliberately darkened till they got ready.

A staff member quickly helped him put on the black blindfold before shuffling off backstage.
He could literally hear his heartbeat and he took deep breaths,trying to carm his nerves.
Just then he felt a pair of hands on his cheeks and a familiar scent.

"Hoseok "

"Don't worry, you'll nail it. Good luck!"

Jimin heard him run back to his position.
On cue the lights turned on focusing on them and the music started.


She watched them in awe, her mouth literally hanging open, not unlike pretty much everyone else seated around her. The intro dance break performed by Hoseok and Jimin was blowing her mind.

She hadn't really told anyone about Seulgi. Mostly because everyone had been too busy and preoccupied with practice to think about anything else. She hadn't really thought about it much either but as she had seen him again today, the unpleasant memories had returned.

She felt like the whole thing had been a bad joke and she was trying her best to move on.
Watching him perform didn't help at all but she wasn't a weak woman to be moping around because of a guy.

"I'm gonna enjoy today " she thought to herself.
And so she did.


He was wrapped in a team huddle of literal blood, sweat and tears as BTS celebrated their first ever "Artist of the Year" award.
Blood being from a minor scratch he had managed to get on his finger.
The day had gone incredibly well for them. They had nailed the performance and bagged their dream award.

He was walking backstage thinking the day couldn't possibly get better when he saw Seulgi in the distance.
There were a few people around so he quietly took her by her arm and dragged her into a tiny maintenance room.

"Hey!" he said grinning when she whirled around to face him in fright. That earned him a surprisingly hard punch in the arm.

"You idiot! I was about to yell for help!"

He just stood there grinning deliriously.
She rolled her eyes and then they suddenly lit up.

"Oh I have news! I'm joining your collab stage!" she revealed excitedly.

"Apparently this day could get better!"

"NO WAY??!" he said loudly.

"Yes way" she laughed.

He leaned in and pulled her into a quick hug, making her go red.
"You guys have been practicing for ages though" she whined.

"No worries....I can help you"
He threw her a comical wink.
She laughed.

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