Chapter 10

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She sat comfortably on an audience chair in her denim mini shorts and red sweater watching Mina and Momo practice for the SBS collab stage with other idols.

She had finally decided to accompany them.
She had told her bandmates about Seulgi and they had become extremely sympathetic. They never brought him up again and seemed to talk to her more softly than usual.

And she hated it.

She didn't want the sympathy, and joining them at the practice sessions was her way of showing them that she could handle him, that she wasn't some damsel in distress.

His presence still made her uncomfortable, so she just chose to ignore him. Perhaps in the future, they would be able to interact like normal colleagues, but not yet.

She had caught the look of surprise on his face when she had shown up and  realised that he had actually noticed her absence.


Seulgi had been included in the dance as well and she watched as Seulgi tried to mirror the others while they danced to "In the name of love" by Bebe Rexha.

When they were done, Jeongyeon walked to the stage with bottles of chilled water and snacks she had brought for her teammates. She felt like a mom at her daughter's dance recital.

Mina and Momo came down and emptied the bottles in a few gulps, looking exhausted.

"Did we do ok?" Mina asked Jeongyeon. She was being serious.

"Ok?? You guys were amazing!"

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Seulgi walking towards them.

Her initial reaction was annoyance but then she reminded herself that Seulgi was a perfectly nice girl and had done absolutely nothing wrong to her.

"Hey.." she greeted them, sounding out of breath.

"Hey" all three of them chanted back.

"Oh you made it!" said Seulgi addressing Jeongyeon.

" I guess. I thought I'd come see you guys today."

"Are you doing ok with the choreo?" Momo asked sweetly , patting Seulgi's back.

"'s still a little foreign to me. But I guess I'll get there eventually"

As they chatted away about random things, a sudden voice interrupted them.


She turned around to see Ha Sungwoon walking towards her with a smile on his face. He was a vocalist for a group called Hotshot and they had gotten to know eachother the previous year. They were quite good friends now.

"Hey! What are you doing here?"

"I had nothing to do today so Jimin invited me to come watch him practice"

"Oh right. They were friends."

The other three girls had fallen into their own conversation.

Sungwoon looked down at her hands holding all the food and drinks in a basket.

"You look like a mom on sports day" he snickered.

"Well you look like a middle aged dad on a fishing trip. What's with the ugly ass hat?"

He laughed. "Damn someone's in a feisty mood today"

She shrugged, grinning.

"Got any booze in there?"

"I wish"

"Leave that somewhere and come with me" he suddenly said taking her hand.

She put the basket down and let herself be led by him. Her members saw them, and stared at her questioningly and she shrugged back in response.

"Where are we going?"

"Up on to the stage. We can learn the dance for fun. Jimin will be up for it."

That stopped her right in her tracks.

"I can't."

Sungwoon turned around to face her, looking confused.

"Why the hell not?"

"Because..." she racked her brain , trying to come up with an excuse.


"Well I just don't want to" she said defiantly.

He rolled his eyes.


Then he proceeded to drag her upto the stage and right towards Jimin.

She saw Momo and Mina watching, looking partly concerned and partly amused, what she presumed looked like Sungwoon taking her to be sacrificed to the devil.

The other participants were walking around the stage, some laying on it in exhaustion. A few of them laughed when they saw her.

Jimin was standing towards the back talking with one of the staff. He was wearing all black and his face was flushed.
He raised his hand and pushed back his blonde hair.

"Hahaha...I should run."

"Jimin-ah!" called Sungwoon loudly.

"God he's so annoying!"

Jimin turned towards them, and she looked at Sungwoon, trying to avoid his gaze.

"Teach us some moves, it's no fun watching you guys dance" said Sungwoon humorously.

Jimin smirked.

"I could but I doubt you guys could keep up" he answered.

"Try us" teased Sungwoon taking his ridiculous hat off slowly while smirking , which she assumed was an attempt to look sexy.

"...the fuck"

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes.

"Alright you two keep flirting, I think I'll leave " she said irritably.

The two guys laughed.

"Well feel free to join in " said Jimin.

His eyes glinted with mischief.

She threw him a dirty look, finally regaining her confidence.

"Nah, I'm good"

"That's ok, not everyone is good at it"

"You little!.."

"You can try it out with Sungwoon though..." he prompted.

"Ok..that's it"

"I would but I can't see him because your inflamed head is blocking my view"

"Oohh!!, burn!" yelled Sungwoon dramatically covering his mouth.

Jimin was about to retort when their dance instructor announced recommencement of the practice sessions.

"Dang it. You didn't teach us shit." Sungwoon dragged her down the stage.

She threw a quick glance at Jimin before they left, his eyes were on her but she couldn't tell if he was offended or not.

"Whatever. He started it"

Thanks for reading!😁
Sorry this story is so slow paced.😅

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