"Oh, shush. It's a girl's night in, don't ruin the feeling."

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I was angry.

No, I was furious.




I was everything that a dictionary of human world synonyms with angry.

I can literally kill him.

I don't need to tell you who the him is, do I?

For the sake of the dipshits who don't know who the him is, it's Reese Jacobs.

That little piece of useless junk in a dumping ground.


Remember the math test I gave last week?

Guess what?

The results are out.

I flunked.


Because remember when I said that Reese was being kind and submitted my paper?

Well, he did submit my paper. With his name, though.

And he topped the class with a 24.5 on 25 while I was stuck with 3 on 25.


Yeah, I'm not really happy. And this is not funny.


I was sure that today will be the day I will finally kill him and then flee the country, migrate to Japan and work in pub.
Sorry, my brain works in a different way under stress.

Guess what the cherry on the top was?

He didn't attend the class becuase he knew, oh he knew that I would throttle him with my bare hands once I find what he had done. 

He's done terrible things to me since the start and always, always, I have just moved on thinking it was just his childishness and that maybe it was my fault everytime and that I force him to do such stuff to me because I deserve it. I'm a nerd after all, the populars are supposed to do that, right? 

But I knew this time that I deserved those marks and that I would've finally done something I have never done before - score good in Math.

I know for a lot of you its nothing and that I should've been more carefull and blah blah but  how would you feel if you work your ass off for something and in the end you find that all the effort and hardwork has gone to waste because someone decided it'll be cool to just rub your name and write their's?

Exactly. You'd be shocked first. Then you'd be sad. And then anger would seep into you. 

What would you do in a situation like this? 

Take revenge, of course.  

I don't have a plan at the minute because I'm too worked up to think about anything but there's one thing I'm sure of- I'm going to ignore Reese Jacobs till the end of time. 

He's been able to torture me for so long because I have let him torture me. Now is my turn.

I will pay no attention to him at all and just mind my own business. I will not go face him full on or cower away from his presence. I will just mind my own business. 

Starting now.

"Ms. James? Hello! Astrid, honey!" Mr. Keller is standing in front of me waving his hands around to get my attention. 

"Uh..huh?" I look around and find that the entire class has left and I'm the only one remaining. 

"Dear, are you okay?" Mr. Keller asks, worry evident in his tone.

"Um, yes, Mr. Keller." I say sheepishly and start packing my stuff up, "I'm sorry, I guess I just zoned out." 

"Its okay. I don't know how you've scored such less marks but you're a bright student, dear. You'll cover up and plus this test accounts for only five percent. Do you need a tutor? Or do you want extra classes from me?" he asks politely and I smile warmly at his kindness. 

"Thank you, sir. But I will manage." I say. 

"I'm sure you will. Don't hesitate if you ever have a problem." he says and then hands me a slip so that I don't get dettention for being late to the next class. 

"I won't, Mr. Keller. And thanks." I say and exit. 

The rest of the day went by uneventfully and I didn't find Reese anywhere. 

When I went back home I found that mom wasn't home because she had her appointment with her dentist. 

After munching on junk food and watching cartoon and then completing all my homewrok, which was a ton by the way, I came to the realisation that I cannot just forget what Reese did and there was no way in hell I could forgive him. 

Mom came back shortly after but I didn't tell her about the marks. I know she'd be dissappointed and that's the last thing I want right now because if she gets dissappointed by something or with someone, she doesn't hesitate to express her emotions. And it's not in a kind way. 

I just want this day to flipping end. 

Later that evening, a truck came by our neighbourhood and a woman started ordering instructions at the men about where to keep what. 

She's so loud I could hear her in my room. 

"Astrid!" mom barges into my room.

"There's something called knocking, mom!" I whine.

"Oh, shush! We have new neighbours!" she beams at me. 

"That's great, ma." I tell her with as much enthusiasm I can muster up. She's always wanted someone to fill the empty house next to us so that she can have someone to socialise with and all.  Our other neighbour is old Mr. Whitey and he is fun at first...but then you sort of get bored listening to his same stories over and over again. 

"Oh, what's crawled up you bummy and died?" she asks, taking a peek at my laptop screen.

"Nothing." I say and shut my laptop. 

Isn't it just a whole new level of awkwardness when your parents try to see what you're doing on the internet even if you're doing nothing wrong. 

"What're you hiding on the laptop, missy?" she stands with her hands on her hips.

"Porn." I say and give her a cheeky grin. 

"Oh, good. One should know about sex and the different ways in whi-" 

"MOM! Ew, go away!" 

"What?!" she chuckles, "Sex education is as necessary as knowing what a michacon is." 

"What is a michacon?" I look at her, puzzled. 

"Oh, the thing in the cell of I don't know which organism, produces energy and all?" she says with her hands flying all over. 

"That's mitochodria, mumma. And it produces ATP." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, same thing." she says and we both burst into a round full of giggles. 

"Come on, now. Lets get your tummy full with some pizza and then watch reruns of Modern Family." she winks, "Dadda won't be home tonight, babydoll." 

"I hate it when you call me babydoll." I scrunch up my nore.

"Oh, shush. It's a girl's night in, don't ruin the feeling." she says and then pulls me downstairs for some pizza and then a whole new level of Movie Marathon. 

Gee, I love my mother. 

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