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"WILL IT LAST FOREVER? OR WILL IT GO DOWN IN FLAMES?!" I sing along, completely off tune.

"I REALLY NEED A DRINK!" Lucy tells me, screaming over the loudness of the bar (with no age barrier)

"SAME!" I giggle and we start walking towards where the bar is supposedly. 
Really, we're just pushing past people to get outside this mass of sweaty dancing bodies.

"Oh, my god! This is insane!" I gush as soon as we're out of the cluster of humans.

"Do you like it?!" Lucy asks me.

"Like? Are you kidding me? This place is amazing!" I smile widely.

Lucy and I giggle again because what I said was just that funny

"Hey ladies. What can I get you?" The bartender, Frank, asks us.

"A cherry vodka for me." Lucy says.

"A water, thanks." I say.

"Be right back!" Frank leaves to pour our drinks as we sit on the bar stool. 

"Literally every guy in the room has his eyes on you. Not kidding." Lucy tells me quietly, like it's a secret.

"Shut up! Oh here's our drinks!" I say, embarrassed.

"Oh. My. God. Mark is here!" Lucy gushes, looking behind me.

"What?.." I turn around and sure, Mark, Dylan and Reese were all making their way into the club.

A large number of eyes lingering on them but they paid no heed to it. They just strolled in casually and Reese said something to Dylan and got stuck in a headlock.

I smile at the sight of him being so laid back and chill for the minute.

Suddenly Mark looks our way and a smirk crosses his face.

"Oh fuck." Lucy says.

"What?  What's wrong?" I ask.

"Mark and I have a thing where we leave each other notes about the place we're gonna be at night if we're not going to be at our respective houses. Today it was my turn to drop the hint and he guessed it correctly that I'm gonna be here and he won. Godammit. They're here."

I turn around just as she says that and I see a red shirt.

I look up and there he is, Reese Jacobs in all his badass glory.

"Hey, 'Strid." He smirks.

"Hi, Reese." I smile a little.

We continue looking at each other until Dylan finally clears his throat.

"You assholes. Is this the way you take your revenge? By making me the fifth wheel?" Dylan groans.

Mark and Reese stare at each other and smirk.

"You're not fifth wheeling, you're third wheeling like Reese and I because we're like..not together," I say shyly. 

"Actually, you're third wheeling because Lucy and I have some business to take care of," Mark says, winking at Lucy who blushes so hard that it's visible even under the dim lighting of the club. 

I look at Reese when I hear him groaning and he makes gag actions like he can't just tolerate the absolute cuteness of Marucy. 

Yeah, the other ship name was Lark or Mucy. 

I hit Reese over his head and instead of getting angry like I'd expected him to, he grabs my hand and  kisses my knuckles, "You look stunning tonight." 

I blush and look away awkwardly. What do you say to that?! 

"Thank you?" I say, unsure and he just smiles down at me. 

My throat is suddenly very dry and I reach for my water but instead my hand grabs Lucy's Cherry Vodka. When I see that Lucy has already left with Mark and Dylan is dancing away with some blonde and Reese is drinking my water, I lift up the small shot glass to my lips and take in the sweet liquid all at once. It hits the base of my throat, making me cough a little but I manage because it was mainly sweet with a hint of alcohol. 

I should be fine pfft. 

But my eyes widen nonetheless and I pull Reese's shoulders excitedly. 

"What is wrong with you?" he asks, amused. 

He seems in a great mood tonight. 

"I just had my first alcoholic drink, ever!" I scream at him. 

"I'm not deaf, A. And good for you, you goof." he smiles at me and my heart skips a beat. 

Maybe it's the alcohol or maybe I'm crazy enough right now or maybe the lighting is perfect in this place because I swear I've never seen Reese look so beautiful. 

"You look amazing." I tell him honestly. 

"You too." and I swear I think he's leaning in to kiss me when Frank, the bartender, interrupts us by coughing, making Reese and I jump apart in surprise. 

"Ashtom or whatever the heck your name is, you're going to break my glass," he says.

Rude much? 

But then I notice how hard I'm gripping the shot glass in my hand and a blush covers my cheeks instantly at the only proof of what was about to happen. 

Get a grip.

On Reese, sure! 

"Chill out, F-bomb." I laugh awkwardly and hand him the glass he so preciously wants that he'd interrupt my kiss. 

"Did you just? Nevermind, I'm quiting this job anyway," he mutters to himself. 

I turn around to look at Reese looking at me with a dejected face. 

Somehow I get the courage and manage perfect balance while getting off of the bar stool and strut towards Reese (okay, fine it was just one tiny step) like the model that I am and get on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek and in the best seductive voice I can manage I mutter in his ear, "Wanna dance, Jacobs? "

Instead of saying yes or no, Reese grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer till our chests are touching and walks us to the dance floor where we lose it completely and laugh like maniacs for a solid 15 minutes. 

Then begins the fun. 

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