$50 richer.

20 2 0

After breaking the world record for the most dazzling smile ever, guess what Reese did? He ate my ice cream. It was annoying as hell to watch him devour it but I was actually sick of it anyway because I kind of realized two things: 

1. Blackcurrent is not something I particularly love in ice cream and

2. I may or may not have developed a teeny tiny meeny miny mo, little wittle crush on Reese. 

The thing is, last night when I thought that he was oh-so handsome and oh-so charming in his red shirt and that beautiful smile, I could blame the cherry vodka for messing my head up but when I woke up with the widest grin on my face, I knew I was done for. But only slightly. 

Like, very, very, very, very slightly. 

I'm sure Reese won't just turn into a prince. He'd continue being the jerk that I've always known him to be and I'd easily get over him. 

Ffs, it won't be bad. 

Or so I  thought. 

To confirm my theory of Reese being a jackass I texted him late in the afternoon to come over and work on finally combining all the clips, essays etc. for the movie. 

Now, the problem was, it was a completely platonic text that you can send to someone without hesitation unless you have a crush on them. If  you have a crush on the other party, like me, then you will overthink it to a point that you'd end up just staring at your phone screen all day. 

And then it would happen. Hallelujah, by some sort of telepathy they will realize that you want to text them and confess you like them but you're hesitating and so, they take it upon themselves to text you. In ideal situations, they'd text something like: 

"Hey, so I was thinking maybe we should catch up, you know? Lunch sounds good? " 

You'd say: "Yes, of course. Pick me up at 7 tomorrow?"

Then you'd go to some fancy shmancy Italian place and eat to your heart's delight and then you'd take a stroll in the park where you'd do something embarrassing like trip or burp and the other person would realize just how truly in love they are with you and they'd embrace all your flaws and blah blah blah. 

You know it. 

In a non-ideal situation they'd either not text you or they'd text you something like: 

"Hey bruh going out with this superhot girl. Need some female advice. Wanna come over?" 

We all know how that goes because, let's be honest, it has happened to us. Ffs. 

In my situation (if we can even call this one), Reese said: 

ReeseTheBeast: Hey so Mark and Lucy need a place to bang and I know your parents are never home so I suggested you'd be ok with them renting out your room for the night. They're paying. Price is negotiable. 

I mean are you looking at this guy's audacity?!

Of course I couldn't rent my room out to my friends to have wild, crazy football-seminary sex in my room. Ew. 

I called Reese up and he picked on the first ring, "Yellow?" 

"Don't you yellow me mister-" 

"Because I already purple-d you." 

"Don't interrupt me Reese I swear to God I will kill you!" 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Oh so you want me to say it. Out loud." 

"Yes, I think I kinda do. Because if you say it in your head I wont be actually able to hear it, Astri-"

Let's make a movie.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum