"Baow chick-a waow waow, A hearts R nowww!"

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Mom yelled at me. And when I say yell, I mean yell. The full on yell where at the end of her speech her vocal cords give away.

Dad came twenty minutes later, looked at me, smiled, ruffled my hair and took us home.

You see the difference?
Yeah, it's remarkable.

The entire car ride was filled with mom cussing in her native language. It's hilarious, really.

Anyway, this little stunt Reese pulled in the middle of everything made mom and dad take a half day from their respective offices. My mom is a cardiothorasic surgeon and my dad is a lawyer.
I keep joking about the fact that how I can literally make a person get a heart attack then mom can save him and then Dad will prevent a law suit!

They never laugh at it, of course. 

But now we're laughing. As one small happy family because the kid of the family just got a big ass cast over her wrist and it's in puke colour.
Yay life.

Hell no.

I wanted to call Luce but I knew I couldn't. We had had our conversation of the week already and so I couldn't call her.

Well, only a few days and she'll be here in person!

We ate dinner. The mood of the house was joyful today for some reason. Dad found it horribly hilarious that I broke my wrist because of Reese and mom, although irritated a little, was happy over all that no more damage was done to me.
I was not sure why I was happy.
There was that triumph feeling of pissing Cianna off but I think what made me more happy today was the fact that I...that I got three bowls of ice cream!

What did you think? That I had fallen in love with Reese?
Haha. Funny.

Not really.

Before going to bed I got my phone out of school bag. I had forgotten it was there because of well...my lack of social life, we can say.

I had thirteen texts and nine missed calls from Reese. 
Four texts and three missed calls from Mark and a few other texts from my school mates who knew about the library fiasco.

I texted them all the same thing,
"Hey , I'm okay. Just a sprain it was, if that's what you wanted to know.
Good night. x"

Out of the six people I texted, four replied with a "Get some rest!" Or something along the lines of that.
While Mark replied with a witty "Come on barbie let's go party! Oops! Barbie is so sprained! No party for barbie. ; (

G'night, Astrid

P.S. - call Reese before he explodes!"

I smiled at his text and then shuffled through Reese's messages.


"Um, dude? Hot sexy beast is worried here!"

"Okay, now seriously, are you pissed off at me for breaking your wrist?!"


"Are you okay?"

"A, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, okay?"

"You're being totally stupid by not replying to me."

Let's make a movie.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz