"I'm all about that bass,"

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Dodging Luce's questions turned out to be tougher than I thought. She continued to pester me until I told her that recently I had stopped hating Reese and that he was turning into a friend. I mean, I know he almost broke my wrist and all but the dude did apologise not once but a lot of times.

In the end, Lucy gave me that I know something you don't know look and I knew I was doomed.
I knew where Lucy's thoughts were wandering off to by the little squeals she keeps giving me everytime something related to Reese comes up.

Lucy's first day back  in school was going to be on Monday so we spent Saturday and Sunday doing girly stuff and binging on endless amount of junk food and talking.
Apparently,  we did have a lot to catch up on.

We're girls, sue us.

On Monday,  I picked her up and off we went to school. She remembered pretty much everything about it and I was sure she wouldn't have any trouble settling in.
Also, with the amount of sugar this girl has eaten, I knew she'd skim through today on a sugar rush pretty easily.

During lunch, we both sat together like the ultimate loners we are and happily binged on our food, talking about how her day has been till now. We share only two classes and those two are AP ones so it's not like we can afford to talk to each other in the middle of the lesson.

In the middle of our lunch, Mark abruptly stops at our table.

"Lucy?" He asks, his gaze fixed on my bestfriend. 

"Mark?" Her voice is astonished to say the least.

I knew it!

"This is the mother of all coincidences," i chuckle to myself.

"What is?" Said a voice close by. I turned to their direction and found Reese looking at the mini stare down Mark and Lucy were having.

"Mark and Lucy here have done the kinky together and now they meet here. Out of all places in the world," I say and chew my ham burger. Don't judge.

"What?!" They both exclaimed loudly, eyes wide and flushed cheeks.

A few people look over at us.

"What what?" I play innocent.

"We just kissed!" Lucy whispers.

"Oh, babe, that was a lot more than just a kiss," Mark says. Lucy gives him a death glare and he coughs, "but it was a lot less than kinky," he improves.

"What kinky? Kinks are used in graphs, right?" Reese looks so horrible confused at what's going on that we can't help but laugh at him.

"Dude, you're such an embarrassment." Mark mutters.

"Reese," I choke back my laugh, "there are a lot of kinky,"

"What, sex?" He looks at the three of us.

"Bingo, Einstein!" Lucy slow claps.

Mark and I laugh out loud and Reese flushes and as a cover up he says, "you could've just said sex,"

"Life would be too easy then, wouldn't it?" Mark slaps his back. "Mind if we join you guys?"

"No trouble," Lucy answers.

"I'm all about that bass?" Reese tries a hand at joking.

"Did he get injured or something?" I direct my question at Mark.

"Oh, no. He just fell," Mark smirks at Reese and they do this thing where you talk to your best friend through your eyes.

"Down the whore tree?" I laugh.

"Yes," he smirks in my direction.

"Did it hurt?" I say sweetly.

"Oh, dear me, no. In fact, it was quite pleasurable," he says confidently. 

I snort at him and return to my food, shaking my head.

To say that the rest of the lunch was awkward would be an understatement, however, on the brighter side, at the end of the day, I did find Lucy and Mark making out in the library.

That's a yay,right?

Oh, and Reese is so all about the bass. 

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