Wuff wuff.

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Summer is the time of the year for everybody - Me included.

I mean, what's better than no homework, no school,  no daunting teachers, no cafeteria food, no ugly faces (look at my hypocrisy)?

You get to be in bed however long you want,  eat whatever you want (did you say diet? I'm sorry I heard 'get out'), do whatever you want. I mean, knock yourself out,  man!

If your parents allow, that is.

So this summer, I planned to make it eventful by doing something outrageously out of the ordinary....For most people. I was determined to spend my summer in my bed with my laptop and charger and food and Wingo. 

Like, come on, what's better than that?

Apparently, going out to some club with no age bar and getting drunk our asses off while checking out cute guys is what's better according to Lucy.

Like,  what's wrong with you, woman?

"For the nth time, Luce, no. I'm not going to make an effort of getting out of my bed and wearing a bra to go to a club with no age bar." I say, my voice is muffled by the pillow I've kept on my face to stop Wingo from licking my face.

Dogge, you need to calm down.


"You've already done it." I lift the pillow to give her my deadpan face. Wingo immediately comes to my side and I pet his head lovingly. He sits down and I continue petting him.

"SO?! IT'S FOR YOU!" She screams and yanks the pillow off of my face.

"Luce..." I groan.

"What's up girls?" My mom says from the doorframe.

"Luce is forcing me to go to a club," I tell my mom knowing she'd immediately refuse to let Lucy and I go individually or together.

"Does it have an age bar?" She asks, surprising me.

"N-no." Lucy looks at me with a wicked smile.

"Then why don't you get out for once, Astrid?" She smiles at me in her motherly way.

"Mom!" I groan and sit up. "I'm supposed to ask you to go out and you're supposed to tell me no. You're not doing parenting right."

"I'd refuse to anything if you ask me for it. You have no life. Try to make senior year count, sweety." She says.

Lucy looks at me with her puppy dog eyes and I sigh, knowing I have no way out. 

"Fine." I mumble.

"I DIDN'T HEAR YOU!" Lucy shouts.

"Fine. Let's get ready or whatever." I throw a pilot at her. She and mom break into a fit of laughter and Wingo barks.


"Absolutely not."

"Are you insane?"

Lucy and I have been trying to find an appropriate attire for this little outing of ours and apparently jeans and band t-shirts are restricted in clubs.

She thinks I'm such a dum dum.

Excuse me miss but I have a GPA of 4.6 and I have read every single wattpad book, I know there's no restriction on whatever clothing item.

"This?" She says holding up a baby blue crop top and my favourite shorts.
"It is too revealy.  I'll wear the top with jeans." I say and she sighs tiredly. 
"Astrid, if you don't wanna come, okay. I get it." She starts putting everything inside with a small frown on her face.

Oh no no. She's trying to guilt trip me.

"Fine. I'm going to the bathroom and you can give me whatever, I'll wear it." I say and her head snaps to face me.

"Really?!" She grins like a psycho.

Well, well.

"Yes. Do it before I start regretting it."

She gave her top that she'd bought for herself.  A sparkly silver dress.


"Love you too, sissy!"  She laughs.

I pull the dress over my body and zip it up from the side.
There's two problems with this dress:

1. This thing is short.
2. It has a very deep back.

The front of the dress is simple and not anything deep and all. It has a sweetheart neckline and the rest of the area is covered with a net material. It's pretty, I admit. But the length is short. It's bloody mid thigh. Then there's the back.....wait,  there is no back.

"Come out, granny!" She calls.

"I'm going to kill you!" I grit through my teeth.

"You look so bloody gorgeous. Fuck. Keep this dress." She squeals. 

She's wearing the blue crop top and my shorts she took out earlier. The top has "Reckless" written  over it on big bold letters.

"You don't look too bad yourself!" I smile.

I mean,  if I'm going to a club with no age bar then I might as well make the most out of this one time thing.

"Let's do hair and make up." She pulls open my drawers and finds stacks of makeup and cosmetics...haha kidding. They're filled to the top with essays and homework and books and more books.. I should kill myself.

"You little nerdy." She mumbles and takes out her own bag of cosmetics.

"Sit." She commands and immediately Wingo sits down and makes those tiny  voices he makes when he's scared.

"Wuff wuff" I imitate my dog and sit on my study chair.

Ten minutes and two eyeliner disasters later I'm ready.

Lucy semi curled my hair and I applied a slightly darker than usual shade of pink on my lips. Luce insisted on putting darker make up on my eyelids so I let her and overall, the whole look actually looks great. I slip on my black flats and grab my black clutch and fill it with pepperspray, lip balm, tissue and my phone.

By the time I'm done, Luce is ready too and we head out after posting a few pictures on snapchat.

"Bye mum!" I call out. Dad's out again today.

"Have fun, kids. Curfew by 12.30, okay?" Mum says.

"Thanks, Mrs. J!" Luce hugs my mom and we head out laughing about how my mum is so chill.


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