My body is so rigid at the minute that Statue of Liberty might cry.

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By the end of our Movie Marathon mom finally noticed my purple hair and I told her it was Reese's fault. She knew I hated Reese, of course, but for some reason never interfered with my personal life regarding Reese and all the pranks he pulled. 

Reese wasn't my bully. Oh, hell to the no. But he did torment me and for the last prank he pulled, I have decided that I will ignore him. Like, not pay attention to him or give him a reaction. 

   I know it will drive him crazy. Bat shit crazy. 

He basically bathes in the amount of attention he gets in school and from teachers, hence if I refuse to pay him attention, he will probably forget all about me and move on to look for his next victim.

I am no victim by all means. 

  I have too much of an ego to admit that. 

So for the next whole week I ignored Reese Jacobs. Even when he apologized for thinking of my hair as his colouring book. 

Well, didn't that apology sound sweet? No.

It went by the lines, "Oh, come on, Astrid! At least your boring hair doesn't look as lifeless as it did before! Fine, fine. I am sorry!" 

Yeah, not much of an apology but that's the closest he's ever come to a real apology in all his life.

Monday morning there's an announcement in the halls that shocks me to death. 

"Reese Jacobs and Astrid James in Principal Shuttle's office; now." 

I looked around and found Reese making out with a girl right beside the trash can. 

He probably didn't even listen to the announcement. 

With a thundering heart, sweaty palms, dry mouth and a bag weighing forty kilos, I entered Princi's office after a knock. 

"Astrid? Oh, you've come alone? Where's Reese? You guys are supposed to enter my office together...always." she smiles at me and my shoulders sag a little.

"Um, I don't where he is, ma'am." I respond. Liar, liar; your Versace pants are on fire! 

Oh dear. Not them.

" I think  you can explain it to him later then." the way she's nervously fiddling with her ring finger tells me that whatever she's about to say is not going to be very pleasant. I mentally try to think of all the things I've done wrong the past week and come up with nothing. 

I ignored Reese; what else do you expect to happen? Huh. 

" everything okay?" my voice is so choked that if I were in another situation, I would die laughing at myself. 

"Well, as you know your summer break is soon approaching and there's this little thing I want you to do.." My body is so rigid at the minute that Statue of Liberty might cry, "so there's a competition, inter school, on the zonal level right after the vacations and its about photography and films and all so I was wondering if and Reese, I mean, would take part in it?" 

No. Not happening,

"Uh, ma'am I'd be glad to represent our school at-" I begin but she cuts me off.

"Cut the crap and come to the point."  she hisses. 

Okay, then.

"Can I do it alone? Reese is not going to do anything, anyway so no point asking him!" I tell her.

"Reese Jacobs scored a perfect 50 in his photography class, just like you and he also wrote in his Career Form that he wants to become a Movie Director, so he's as good as you are at photography." She replies.

Me: But you know I can do it alone.

Principal Shuttle: No, it's a duo thing.

Me: We can find someone else. There are thirty other students in my photography class!

P.S. - No one as good as you and Reese.

"Ms James, Mr. Jacobs is our only hope! Please!" she pleas.

"There is absolutely nothing we can do?" I ask, hoping there was a way out of this.

"We can always back out and have Heritage High make fun of us.." Oh, she's using the guilt trap!

"You do realise that even if I do say yes Reese's first answer is going to be a no. Like, N-O no."

"Hey, sorry I'm late I was er..stuck somewhere." a voice spoke behind me and I didn't have to turn around to know it was Reese Jacobs. "What'd we do now?" he spoke.

Oh I know where you were stuck, Reese Jacobs. 

I could almost feel and hear his smirk.

"You and Ms. James are partnered up for the inter-school Movie Making competition." Principal Shuttle said.

"Ah, best friend, we finally got hooked up for a project!" Reese sends me the widest of grins and I could see all the evil thoughts churning in his empty head.

"I take that as a yes from you both?" Principal asks.

"Of course, milady. How dare shall us two petty sould defy thy order?" Reese says and then sends me his player smirk.

 Dammit, this is going to be bad. 

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