"I have written permission from the principal."

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I have written permission from the principal. 

I had went through the clips Reese had bought and after disposing four out of five and editing the only acceptable one, I slept peacefully.

The next morning I woke up an hour before my alarm goes off and I knew I couldn't go back to sleep. The weather was cold and damp last night but today seems sunny.

The warm light from the sun was creeping into my room through the window which Reese had used as route to enter in. It was that perfect kind of moment where everything was calm and quiet and I could hear my breathing and feel a little nerve of mine over working in my brain.
It was that perfect temperature and perfect lighting that made me smile.

This was going to be a beautiful day.

I lay there, staring at the window through which the sun rays entered in like warm hugs all at once and I cherished the moment as everything seemed calm. It was great,  that moment.

With a lazy smile I pulled through the first half of the day and decided to skip the second half and do something for the Movie.
This is authorised. I have written permission from the principal. 

I sat in the library with a cup of coffee from the canteen and hoards of papers surrounding me. All those papers were essays by students.
I skimmed through all of those one by one, discarded a few, edited others and fell in love with some.

In the end, I was able to come up with four mind blowing essays.

But worry was lurking around me. Summer starts tomorrow and all Reese and I could manage was four horribly cheesy essays and a short video Reese had gotten in which there was a couple - One of the nicer cheerleaders, Peyton and her football playing boyfriend, Sam.

They both made a short video of their own where they talk of high school love along the cheesy lines of "..love you now, loved you then, will love you forever!.."

Horribly cheesy but sweet.
Their video was kind of, I don't know, real. It had meaning. You could literally see how much they loved each other and how they're so glad about being together with each other.

I made it black and white to add to the charm and bam.

Reese hadn't bothered me much, honestly. Since my wrist incident, he was pretty much sober around me.

Maybe it's the silence before the storm.

I have 12 days more in this thing, I swear, after that I'll convince Aslan. 
To take me to Narnia, of course.

"Hey," a deep voice spoke and I found Reese looking at me.

"Reese, ah, hello, lad," I said.

"Did you watch Downton Abbey or something?" He smirked at me.

"How do you know.." I was honestly surprised to say the least.

"You're on your Brit mode," he said, simply.

"My what mode?" I asked him, half amazed has curious, "You shan't think of me like that, kind sir."

Oh wait.

"Exactly." He said and sat down by me.

"I had not realised my awful mistake till just now. I-" I continued but he interrupted, "British language suits you well, James." He said.

"Why, thank you. I can pull off basically anything," I smirked.

"Shut up!" He laughed quietly, "What're you doing?"

"What you should be doing," I replied sassily.

"What?" He smiled at me.

"Editing these essays and the clips," I sighed.

"I got more clips by the way, they're in my hard drive and you can get 'em tonight." He said.

"Tonight? Just give it to me in school tomorrow,"

"But then..what about our sleepover?!" He pouted, "I'm coming over tonight," he winked and left me there.

I called after him only to be shushed by the librarian.


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