LOVE whole twice.

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This is bullshit.  Horribly bad.

I can't believe Lucy, out of all the people in the world, my bestfriendwould do this to me.

After having enough of being a third wheel I threw away the disgusting canteen made sandwich and headed to the library, hoping I'd get some time to sleep because apparently Reese was serious about the sleepover.

He's so clingy, I swear.

But I'd be lying if I said I didn't have fun. Mum, being a cardiothorasic surgeon, was On Call last night and dad didn't come till late because of some study on one of his new cases. This usually happens and they both don't bother my sleep  because a sleep deprived Astrid is not the kind of person I like being.

Anyway, so at our sleepover  Reese and I decided (yes, mutually) to watch The A-Team. One of the best of Bradley Cooper ' movies and obviously when you add Bradley Copper and popcorn and a huge TV screen in an equation the empirical formula will be nothing but LOVE whole twice (get it?)

I'm such a chemistry nerd,I know. 

After that he left me with the clips that he'd recorded and took with him the four essays I had shortlisted and edited. 

Fine. I admit it, he's working on this with me just as much as I am and I hate to say this but I like hanging around with Reese. He's a loser, sure who makes horrible jokes that are not funny, he has the worst pick up lines ever, he pulls stupid pranks on me all the time but it's okay. I mean, it's not like I'm Queen of Shiba or something. 

"Astrid!" I hear Reese calling me.

"Hey, what's up, jerkface?"

"Nothing, really, prude," he retorts and we both laugh at ourselves and each other of course. 

Each other mostly.

"No,  really, why'd you stop me? I have to get to class." I tell him with a smile.

"I know. I just wanted to ask if you're gonna be there in the sixth period for the musical class?" He shoves his hands inside his pocket and looks at me straight in the eye.

"Oh, yeah. Why not?  Are you planning to throw drum sticks at me throughout the period again because if you are then Reese this civilised conversation that we're having today, it'll never happen again. Ever."

"You talk too much in too less of time, Astrid, one of these days you're gonna be the fastest talker on planet earth," he tells me, amusement lingering in his eyes.

"The sky is my limit," I tell him dramatically. 

"Anyway, be there, okay? I'm doing a performance." He smirks.

"Show off," I tease him.

"Hey, chicks dig it!" He laughs.

"I'm leaving you, you chicken lover, I have chemistry." I smile and walk away.

"Damn." I hear him murmur before I reach my locker. When I look back, he's smiling like an idiot in the middle of the corridor, looking at me from afar, hands shoved in the pocket and all. My heart skips a beat at the sight of him like that.

Wait, what?!

I didn't say that. I snap out of my trance, grab my books and walk in the opposite direction to where Reese is standing.

Before going too far away I hear Mr. Jane, the rugby coach, yell at him to stop looking like a lovesick puppy and move out of the way.

I smile a little to myself and reach the class just before the second and final bell rings.

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