Chapter 22 - I thought you never did this before

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It’s been an amazing day to say the least, we all got to see the park and they even left it open for an extra hour so we could get on things without being mobbed. Me and Louis rode the teacups like 7 times and now we are on one of 3 balconies of our room.

“Hey there Delilah what’s it like in New York City?” Louis sang mainly to himself but I still heard it.

“Should I be worried about whom Delilah is?” I asked cuddling further into his warmth, he just chuckled.

“Laura tell me about yourself, like your full life story.” Well even for Louis this is random.

“Well I was raised in London, I have no brothers or sisters when I was 15 I moved in with my granny until she died when I was 17 so I moved in with my mate until I was 18 and got a flat of my own. My mum and dad are wealthy business people who put money in my bank account every week but we don’t talk, I’m still at Uni and the rest you know.” I said simply, I’m not going to hide who I am from anybody mainly Louis.

“Um if you don’t mind me asking why don’t you talk to your family?” Louis asked sheepishly.

“Um I came out when I was 15 and my full family where disgusted with me except my granny, they would of completely disowned me only it looks really bad for the company if they disowned their only daughter so I still get sent money, not that I need it, My granny was an extremely wealthy woman so when she past she left everything to me and I mean everything.” I mumbled, it always fucked me off how my mother reacted, how could she have come from my Grandmother I have no clue.

“Fuck sorry I didn’t know.” Louis said hugging me,

And that’s how we stayed talking about his family and how much he misses them when he’s away from home and his friends too. We just sat there talking absolute crap for hours but I was glad to be wrapped up in his warmth, I honestly couldn’t have found any one more amazing to talk to that night in the gay bar and I'm glad I didn’t because now I’ve got my Lou.

“How about we go out tomorrow as in like a fake date.” Louis asked as he lifted me bridal style to our bed after I nearly fell asleep in his warm arms, I hummed in response and before I knew it I had drifted off into a dark bliss.


Ring, Ring, Ring

“Hello.” Harry’s deep voice filled the phone

“Hey.” I whispered back.

“What do you want boo its 2 in the morning.” I walked out on to the balcony before replying

“Mission a go.”

“Okay where is she now?” Harry asked

“She’s sleeping, it was so cute she fell asleep in my arms.” I cooed, I wonder how girly I just sounded.

  “Your gay sides coming out mate, over a girl. You see the problem in that right?” He chuckled

“Fuck up, you know how confused I am.”

“Oh yeah cause your gay and you want to ride your lesbian best friend.” He laughed

“Harry I seriously need your help now.” I begged

“Fine then time to put this plan into action.”



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