chapter 3- Boys breakfast time

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I woke up to what I guess was Lou's apartment, he was still sleeping beside me,

After we got back here last night and got Harry to stop talking to a cat? we decided it was too late for me to make my way back to mine so I just stayed here, Lou gave me one of Harry's tops to wear so I wasn't stuck sleeping in that dress, Louis must of got warm in the night because the sweats he had put on were on the floor and he was lying in his boxers but this didn't bother me in the slightest.

 I pulled myself out of his bed and made my way to the kitchen, Harry must still be in bed because things don't look any different than last night, I opened the fridge and got out eggs, bacon, sausages, black pudding and milk, I put the kettle on waiting for it to boil I put the food on to cook, about 15 minutes later I was done cooking the boys food and went to wake Lou.

 When I went in Louis was already awake staring at the ceiling I knocked lightly to get his attention

 "I made yous a fry," he sat up smiling "oh Lou can I use your shower and barrow some clothes till I get home?"

"Sure just close the door Harry's a pervert when he wants to be or he might walk in naked." he chuckled then walked out probably to wake Harry, I slipped into the bath room locking the door behind me, I slipped off Harry's clothes and got in, washing my hair with one of Harry's many, many shampoos I quickly stepped out rapping a nearby towel around myself for heat.


I walked to the kitchen to find Harry already sitting at the breakfast bar, toast in hand.

"hey boo, who made this, cause its good and we both know you can’t cook," he said or more like spat between bites of his food.

"Laura made it, she’s in getting a shower now, and don't get any ideas because I know you haven't left anything in there to make you magically need in," he gave me a confused smile.

 “boo bear don't take this the wrong way but aren't you gay?" I think I nearly pee'd, what does he think I was doing last night not to mention it was his fault I met her he was the one who dragged me to a gay bar

"yes harry I'm gay , good for remembering," I said really slowly

"So what’s up with the chick then?" he looked confused

 "Well her friend dragged her there and she seemed nice so we started talking, then she helped get you back here and helped you stop talking to a cat? So by the time we were done it was too late for her to leave, how do you not have a hang over?" I explained, it took him a sec for my story to sink in then he nodded in understand-meant

"Lou, do me a favour and get me some pain killers my heads killing me, oh and can we have a movie day today we could invite the lads over, please" I smiled slightly "sure love whatever you want"


Louis took me home an hour ago to get some clothes and make up, he told me him and the boys were having a movie night and that he would love for me to meet them, so I agreed, what if they all feel uncomfortable because I'm a lesbian but then again there cool with Lou being gay, I dunno I guess I won’t tell them unless they ask.

 I was now fully ready, Lou told me that the boys would just be wearing sweats or there jammies so not to worry about dressing up so I just wore a pair of pyjama shorts and a vest top, sure if I was cold I could always steal something of Louis!

 I entered the living room, where he was watching cartoons? really he’s 20 years old, more or less a grown ass man and he’s watching tom and jerry OMG I love this show I ran in and jumped on the sofa beside him, we just sat there in fits of laughter until it was over. He got up and walked to my door I took this as a sign that were leaving and followed after him to the car.

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