chapter 10 - Just us

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I woke to the July sun spilling in the window, sweet baby Jesus my head is killing me, I open my eyes just a crack and instantly regretted it as the brightness filled my eyes I moaned rolling over, WTF was that? I peeled my eyes open to find Niall passed out beside me bare chested but wearing grey sweats and he still had his Ireland flag raped around him tightly, awk he's so cute when he sleeps sometime Niall is how I picture my children will be (what because i'm gay doesnt mean I don't want a family) when they grown up Niall's like a big kid and he brings out this protective instant in me like you have to be care-full with what you tell him or you could make him sad but at the same time all the boy does is curse well right after eating and farting. I am so close to the boys already and it hasn't even been 2 weeks and I have a feeling this is going to be an amazing summer,

at that I pulled my self out of of bed and made my way to the kitchen, I went to the far corner of the cupboards and opened the smallest one were they kept the pain killers, I took 2 and downed them with a glass of water, 'so what to make' I asked my self wile looking through the cupboards 'pancakes' I herd a little voice in side of me scream, okay so pancakes it is I pulled out the ingredients and half an hour later I had a giant stack, 2 for each person and 5 for little Nialler and a few spare just in-case, I ate mine with butter and sugar on one and chocolate spread and jaffacakes on the other (it is amazing though) I got up and went to wake they boys I knew Liam and Niall would be easiest to wake so I left them to last I crept into Lou's room and found him there with Harry, Lou was just in his boxers lying out side of his blanket were as Harry was probably wearing nothing lying under it, I went over to him and poked him a few times not wanting to make his hangover any worse for him when he wakes up, he growled at me in his sleep making the giggles escape from his mouth, so I did the one thing I knew would wake him up, my friend Jessica thought it to me, I slowly traced circles in his chest and kissed his back, and sure enough he stirred turning to face me, yep that's right the best way to wake a man up his to do a small sexual act to him when hes asleep and his man pride wakes him up,

"what was that?" he asked sitting up, in a husky morning voice, his alcohol filled morning breath hit me slightly but I acted like I didn't notice 

"me waking you up, now come on!" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him up he groaned but then slapped harry, harry didn't stir so Lou began to sing? and surely enough Harry woke up, wtf and they say they don't love each other. actually they do they say it all the time to each other but something tells me it's just a bromance way, still it was so fucking cute 

"hey boo," Harry smiled, with an even deeper morning voice and Louis,

"hey love, you'll never guess how brownie here woke me up," Lou said wiggling his eyebrows in a teasing way, I just rolled my eyes knowing i'm never gonna live this down even if it did work.

"awk Lou you wouldnt," I moaned 

"but I would and I am, so Harry i'm peaceful sleeping when I feel some one rubbing my chest then someone kissing my back lightly," Louis said when a knowning smile covering his face, Harry looked at me with that cheeky grin 

"aw Laura no morning kiss for me," Harry cooed, with out thinking I jumped on the bed and kissed Harry's chest before hopping out of bed, Harry and Lou were shell shocked but I just smiled,

"breakfast is in the kitchen boys," I yelled I was already half way down the corridor on my way to Zayn's room, going in I found Kerri and Sam, Kerri on the bed and Sam on the floor, wheres Zayn? it took me a good 5 minutes before the girls agreed to get up, I walked down the hall to the room I was in last night, awk my wee man is still sleeping, I ran over and hopped on top of him, he stirred a bit before waking, he looked like he had just been shot, as he closed his eyes and winced in pain putting a hand on his head

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