chapter 9 - Really truth or dare?

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when i got home harry was laying on the sofa naked with a blanket round his area 

"Hunny i'm homeeee," i yelled as i walked into are warm flat

"boobear how was your date," he enquired looking up from the telly 

"she was nice and sweet more of a Niall's girl, i told her i'm gay." i admitted 

"i'm sure that was an amazing pick up line," he mused as i lay on the floor just under his sofa 

"i really didn't mean too she started asking me all these questions about Laura and if i liked her and i felt bad for lien so i just told her," he looked down at me shaking his head 

"what is it with Laura i mean she acts like a lad someti'mes like in a good way, if she sees me naked she just shrugs it off like its nothing were most girls would stare or blush but she just walks to the kitchen and offers to make us a sandwich, not to mention she rolled her eyes when i grinned at her no girl has ever done that ever, EVER," i just laughed at his rant 

"i think zayn and liam thinks she hot, like you gotta admit gay or not shes a ride," he continues, i just rolled my eyes 

"if you only knew curly," i said laughing at hi'm 

"what, what is it, come on boo you can tell your hazza bear," he said with pleading eyes and sticking his bottom lip out, omg how can i resist those eyes ,i broke my gaze from his i'm not sure if i should tell hi'm , i'm not sure if she wants them to know yet, i should call her she told me once i got back i was to give her a call, she is going to help me find a girl thi-, what is he doing

Harry rolled of the sofa and was now on top of me laughing like a maniac

"WTF curly?"i asked still felling all his wait on top of me, i could feel hi'm laughing even though i couldn't see his face because he was facing the ceiling

"that's what you get boo for keeping things from me," he said smugly, i wiggled him of me and he fell to the ground beside me 

"Lou how did you know you were gay?" he asked his face turning serious 

"i guess i just couldn't see me with a girl, it didn't feel right, Why Harry do you think your bi or something?" i asked back trying to read his features 

"na maybe bi-curious though ," he said giving me a little chuckle, it wouldn't bother me if he was bi, we would never like each other, i just knew we wouldn't 

"yeah well like who isn't though people say you should always try it before you die," i chuckled, me and harry always had little heart to hearts like this it was normal now 

"yeah, i guess i should try it someti'me, thanks bro," he said punching my arm playfully

"i gotta ring Laura and tell her how it went" i said get up and sitting on the sofa

"invite her over we could have a sleep over its only half 10, i could invite the boys too," he said with hope in his voice i bet he just wants Kerri over 

"sure ill ring her and ask you ring the boys and if there coming could you pop to the off licence we barley have any drink," i asked wile walking to my room closing the door and dialing Laura's number,ring ring ring 

"hello?" the voice rang though the phone 

"hey brownie, you wanna come to are slumber party its going to be so amazinggggggggggg," i said in my best high pitched girl voice i could do, she laughed into the phone and i could hear some one else with her 

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