chapter 12- Good job

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Its been just under a week since Laura agreed and today was the day we tell management, what if they say she has the wrong look or she gets hate, well obviously shes going to get hate and we have talked about this, but she says it's all cool because she doesn't have a twitter and doesn't use any of the other social net working sites so there is no way for it to reach, her at the minute any way so she should be okay. I am worried though what if she isn't ready for this, how are we supposed to tell people how we met, its a bit late now I guess, me and the boys have been at the studio all morning before we were dragged back to HQ for the meeting. Harry rapped his arm around my shoulder as we waked towards the conference room,

"breath love, it's going to work out fine, i'm sure they'll love her .... and her hot friends," Harry said while wiggling his eyebrows getting around of smirking for the rest of the boys,

"yeah sure just think about it it only took, what like 10 minutes for all of us to love her," Niall added in from somewhere behind me

"yeah but guys last time, she nearly bit there heads off about me having to hide who I am, now shes agreed to help me hide it, what are they going to do when they find out the angry brunette is who's going to play my girlfriend?" I could see all eyes on me as every one stopped walking to think of how they should form a reply to me

"well mate they said YOU get to choose a girl if you didn't like there one, so they cant stop you from choosing Laura," Liam smiled at me softly, I love that man hes like my father and don't know what id do with out him,

"GROUP HUG!" Niall screamed enthusiastically pulling us altogether

"Can we join?" Kerri's carefree voice made us all break apart before pulling her and Laura in, Laura looked as nervous as I felt, pulling apart from the boys we entered the big room with my arms around Laura's waist as always, we both sat down in the hard black chairs at the large table, I looked over to see Laura scrapping her Niall polish of and biting her lip, her leg was shaking and she looked really worried, I swiftly pulled her out of her chair and onto my lap were she curled up and put her head into the side of my neck 

"it's not to late to back out," I whispered softly into her hair, I didn't want her to think she needed to do this.

"No, no I want to, it's just what if they wont let me because of my out burst last time and you have to date some asswipe slut who makes you buy her the world, then it would be all my fault," she whispered back her voice cracking near the end 

"love, this is my mess not yours, and if worst comes to worst and I get an asswipe slut it wont be your fault it will be the assholes from managements, so chill," I replied again more sweetly so she knows I wouldn't be mad at her if such a thing happens, she was still shaken so I grabbed the fingers of hers I had been playing with and intertwined are fingers, just then management walked in and sat at the top of the long hard wood table.

"Welcome boys, lady's," giving us a curt nod as the older man stood up, every one smiled or returned the nod swiftly before the man continued 

"so we all know why we are here today, i herd from Eleanor that she will no longer be talking part after a mutual agree meant between her and Louis," the man looked right at me saying this and I felt myself tense only to be relaxed again by Laura squeezing my hand and playing with my hair

"yeah sir it just wasn't right," i mumbled hanging my head down 

"Lou Lou its okay, don't let them see the weak side," I felt Laura's words tickle my neck and I knew she was right 

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