chapter 17 - let's go clubbing

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Louis face paled as he stared at the piece of card intently. Just then Niall roared in laughter and Louis fumed.

"i'm - i'm so sorry Lou but oh Jesus the look on your face!" Niall managed to blur out before falling into more fits of laughter joined by Zayn who was obviously in on it.

"Your such a prick somethings Niall." Louis half roared spinning on his heels and running up the stairs,Niall looked taken back at how badly his best mate and band mate had taken it.

"I- it was just meant to be a laugh," Niall whispered looking at his feet and playing with his fingers.

"its okay little man ill go talk to him, he was probably just in shock. He's still abit worried people will catch him in the act." I soothed before patting Niall's back and running up the white beach wood stairs.


The look on Louis face while he was reading that note over and over again wont leave my mind, he looked so scared so guilty which is the exact feeling I know hes having, he hasn't said it out loud but it was clear in his eyes.

 The thing with his boo bear is that he is too nice to people, sure he acts sassy in-front of cameras but in real life he would be more likely to hide under a bed than defend himself, I can tell he's worried about Laura's part in this hes afraid she'll get hurt by a crazy fan or when they 'breakup' how she will have to lay low for a while before dating any woman so the press don't find out shes a lesbian and call the whole thing a lie.

The advantage is if you didn't know any better you would take their banter as flirting and think it was just them being a couple which they act like any way, carema's down there backs or not. It was just habit for them and Laura took it light hearted unlike most girls who would convince them self he's into them, gay or not because she under stands his problems. 

I could hear slightly raised voices from up stairs but they didnt sound angry so I let it slide, Laura has an understanding to some parts of Louis that none of us boys do.

"Do ya think he's still pissed?" Niall asked quietly from his spot next to Liam, he had his head buried into Liam's shirt, Liam's arms supportability around Niall's small figure, Niall had a change of heart after Louis snapped at him and suddenly didn't want to go for a dip which worried Liam because of how excited Nialler had been earlier.


I shot upstairs after Louis.

"Sweetie open up its me." I hollered slightly tapping on the door lightly, which soon flew open to revel Louis tear stained face. I was swiftly pulled into the room Louis had claimed his own and was nearly suffocate by Louis bear hug.

"Honey whats wrong why are you crying?" I asked trying to be sportive of him.

"Its just I was so worried I had failed you already, you have so much on the line to help me, you have lied to old friends and dressed up and- and you deserve more than this life, you deserve to find an amazing woman who you don't have to be forced to kiss and who could love you." He sobbed , that was so extremely cute, but it was my decision to go along with this.

"Lou listen to me," I started in a slightly louder voice trying to sound confident "you will never fail me okay?it was my choice to say yes and my choice to lie and I happen to love dressing up. Trust me I would rather help you than run around London looking for some one to share my life with, I have loads of time for that but right now friendship is what I have and that's what matters, sure we have to kiss some times and its extremely awkward but who gives a fuck? Lets just enjoy now, okay so get your lazy, self pitying, round arse out of this room and come enjoy our time away."

Louis face turned into an evil grin as he headed for the door of the room with his arm around my waist.

"lets go get revenge on Nialler, yeah" He grinned walking down the stairs.

It didn't take long before every one was drowning each other in the pool while Liam was screaming at Niall and me to put on sunscreen so we don't burn.

It was getting dark before Harry sugested we go out to a foam party, which sounded amazing becasue ive never been to one before but Kerri has and it was hard to shut her up as she was only 17 at the time.

 I am getting ready up stairs now. My hair neatly curled loosely hanging around my shoulders, my make up was done, now just for my dress. I pulled the tight lace fabric over my head it was lace long sleeved with blocked black from the chest down (A/N PICTURE OF DRESS ON SIDE)  pairing it with my chunky black wedges, I grabbed my purse and ran down stairs where the boys were waiting nearly all of then wore some shade of creme chinos except Niall and Louis who where both rocken jeans, Louis wear deep purple skinnys while my little Nialler wore plain baggy ones,

"Laura looking as sexy as always bebz, ready to go?" Zayn sang, walking to me throwing his hand over my shoulder, crushing my curls slightly.

"Zayn my hair!" I squeeked, i turned around and slapped his cheek lightly

"Oi what was that about?" Zayn asked with a fake hurt face plastered on, when i didn't reply he screamed to the boys in a whiny voice.

"Liam, Laura hit me." a pout magical appeared on his face as Liam dragged his eyes from his phone.

"Now Laura what did i tell you about hitting Zayn ... if he can still speak then you haven't hit him hard enough." Liam hollered climbing into the black van that was waiting for us. Zayn pulled a 'WTF' face when we where all in the car.

"mate when did you discuss this?" Zayn questioned looking direactly at Liam.

"Well some time within the hour and a half it was taken you to get ready for the airport this morning." Zayn just sulked at Liam's come back and sunk back into his seat, causing Niall to burst out laughing beside Liam.

"oh my god guys, it doesn't feel like we where in England this morning." I gasped, Louis who was to my right beside Hazza seemed to agree.


'Okay Zayn time to just let go and find someone new, Lexi hasn't talked to you since you kissed her, no texts tweets, or even your normal late night phone calls nothing like you don't even existed,' that really stupid voice in my head spoke.

 I get I shouldn't have kissed her like that its just shes the only thread of a real person in my life, I mean of course I have the boys and my family and Laura now but I want to know there's some one out there who loves me and who I can love in return, its just hard to explain, Ive liked Lexi since about 2 weeks after our set up, once we already agreed we should be friends and I had gotten to know her and how amazing she is. Shes smart and beautiful and such a carefree person, shes studying art and is amazing at it, I have one of her paintings in my flat so does Niall because he really liked the one I had.

 This is hands down the longest time Ive went with out talking to her, she probably thinks I was just really drunk and in her defence I was but not enough for me to find another girl to make out, no I had to be a prick and kiss her when i was drunk and the worst part is now Ive kissed her i just want to keep kissing her, oh naw dude I'm whipped.

The musics blasting in this club, Laura and Louis are grinding in the sea of body's, Niall's actually getting Liam drunk and god knows where Harry is and here's me sitting in a booth in the corner beer in hand, not even enjoying my self. i really have to talk to her... in the morning for now I'm going to get smashed.

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