chapter 20- relax all day, party all night

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Sorry if this is rushed i only had the laptop for an hour or so before my little sister took it back with her to the hospital so half was written on my phone so if there's any mistakes sorry, enjoy :) + vote and comment


It’s been a week since we arrived in Spain and it’s been pretty amazing. Zayn and Lexi talked things out but they’re not together get, Niall got sun burn and its really cute watching Liam trying to hug him without hurting him I think it’s just cute in general it just came from like nowhere, I mean 1.) My gaydar has never failed me before them 2.) Not to mention I actually thought Niall had a thing for Sam, guess not. Harry and Kerri are in an open relationship the sluts but we all know neither of them would look at someone else other than each other. As for me, forever along with my gay ‘boyfriend’.

“So brownie what do you want to do on this lovely Tuesday morning.” Niall questioned as I sat on the sofa in a bikini eating a sandwich (like a boss).

“I say we go on that quad thing them Irish birds where going on about.” Zayn put in getting a sea of “yeah’s” or “that be cools” so I just nodded in agreement before pulling a vest top, shorts and flip flops on over my bikini as we all headed out to the Quad track

“So in pairs please.” The instructors loud voice boomed as I swiftly grabbed on to Louis in utter fear of the man. Looking around I saw Harry with Kerri, Niall with Liam, Zayn with Lexi and a couple who I have yet to learn the name of all pair up ready to go, well this should be fun.


“Oh God that was so much fun.” Kerri giggled as we walked down the scolding street to the beach.

“Yeah it was so much fun you nearly cracking my ribs.” Harry shot back, still rubbing his ribs from Kerri’s harsh grip; everyone was more or less coupled up now it’s like a cheesy romance novel except 1.) Kerri and Harry are in an open relationship, 2.) Niall and Liam are together 3.) Zayn and Lexi aren’t actual together and last but not least 4.) I’m only Louis bearded. Okay so I guess it’s not like a cheesy book after all, whoops.

 “You think that’s bad, have Niall grip on to you for dear life.” Liam chuckled

“Did you see Laura’s face when I flew over that ramp?” Louis joined in causing me to stick my tongue out at him. After a few minutes of causal banter we got to the beach and Louis said he was heading to a bar to watch the match.

“I’m coming, if I get any darker ill look Spanish.” I exclaimed climbing to my feet and following him to the bar British pride, 2 points if you guessed it was a British bar. Niall took us to the 4 leaf clover on Sunday night and I’m still trying to recover, the Irish know how to drink ill give them that.

“That was a great result.” Louis cheered on our way back to the beach, It was a good game, I’m not much of a football girl but I know the rules and how to play so I don’t mind watching a couple of games.

“Yeah I thought he was going to get that plenty in.” I said, the beach was now in full view.

“Good thing he never,” We were now beside everyone’s stuff but only Zayn was still here sunbathing and before I could even ask he just pointed to the water.

“You coming in?” Louis asked, pulling of his shirt so he was just in his suffer shorts and flip flops.

“Yeah just a sec.” I said politely then started unbuttoning my denim shorts and sliding the off, then doing the same with my shirt to revile my hot pink bikini that Kerri brought me last year. I could feel eyes roaming my body. Bet Zayns staring at my arse, not to sound full of myself but it wouldn’t be the first time.

“Ready.” I chirped, Louis picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like he has every day we’ve gone to the beach just because there’s stones near the shoreline that I may or may not have cut my toe on the day after my birthday.

“Love your hands on my bum cheek.” I laughed as I realised that’s where his hand was located.

“Aha sorry love.” He laughed but still didn’t move it, guess it’s the easiest way to lift me.

“There you go, were all past the stones.” Louis said as he lightly sat me down in the cool water. We splashed for a bit and attempted to drown Kerri and Harry before Liam said it would be best to head home and get ready to go out. Cause our motto is chill all day and party all night, what where all over 18 so it’s perfectly legal.

“Louis babe are you okay?” I asked, Louis been really quite all day and its plain creepy because Louis doesn’t just be quite.

“Yeah Laura I’m fine.”

“Lou don’t give me that shit, what’s up?” I asked again.

“Love its fine, I just need to get laid.” He laughed, which caused me to laugh.

“Okay just be careful because it would be really hard to explain why you where caught sneaking out of a club with a man when your girlfriends inside.” I chuckled at my failed attempt to act like Liam, so did he.

“So what are you wearing tonight?” He asked a good 10 minutes later when I returned from my shower still raped in a towel. Louis looked up at me then straight back down.

“Louis I know your gay but I don’t look that bad in a towel plus I didn’t think you where the ‘Omg girl that dress is fabulous type.” I laughed.

“Um yeah sorry it wasn’t you in the um towel I was looking away from I’m just trying to pick a good pair of jeans out.” He mumbled back, yeah I think he’s right he does need to get laid he’s getting grumpy.

“And that has to do with my clothes why?” I asked

“We have to look good together according to management, there was a photo of us together on Saturday night and you where wearing that pink dress and I was wearing a red polo and apparently the clash.” Management did have a point pink and red do clash but still synchronising are wardrobes is that not a bit extreme assholes!

“Laura you do realise you said that out loud.” Lou asked with is eyebrow raised.

“Shit I really gotta stop doing that before I get myself into trouble.” I said now at Louis and I’s wardrobe. There was only 6 bedrooms one for each of us but I gave up mine for Lexi and as you can guess Kerri’s sharing with Harry but in updates Kerri’s given me strangely they haven’t slept with each other yet, same with Liam and Niall.

I pulled out a pair of charcoal shorts, a white crop top, some black lace up heels and red Jewry. ( Louis copied my actions pulling out tight black jeans and a red shirt with some white converse.

“Lou will you not die of warmth if you’re wearing them jeans.” I asked in general shock, but he just started laughing, shaking his head as he sat on our bed.

“Love I have to jump around a stage with lights constantly on us for 2 hours I think I can handle the heat of Spain.”

“Fine then I’m going to get changed.” I said sticking out my tongue and heading to the bathroom.

This is going to be a good night; I thought as we all loaded into a taxi, hopefully we’ll still remember it in the morning though.

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