Chapter 36: Journey to the Land of Stone

Start from the beginning

Kurenai: Y/n can you handle these stone things.

Y/n: But I wanna fight that guy!

Kurenai: Your the only one of us that's capable of making more than seven clones and not get tired after using more than one jutsu.

Y/n: My limit is ten to eleven and you can just say I'm awesome. Shadow clone Jutsu!

With a huge cloud of smoke Y/n summoned up eleven clones touching onto his limit of clones. Most of the clones were all scattered behind Y/n, five of them stood on a tree and the other five each stood against a tree that had a clone standing on top of it.

Y/n: This is my limit, they can take in a couple of hits but that's it, I'm gonna need you guys to make sure the other guy does not interfere and strike one of my clones.

Shino: We split them up, Y/n head into the forest and deal with the clones, and we will stay here and fend this one off.

Y/n and his clones: Gotcha!

All ten clones including Y/n himself flashed their middle finger at the stone army angering them in the process to the point they were willing to start their fight now and rushed toward the Y/n clones who all snickered and with Y/n moved into the forest.

Hinata: Ready Shino?

Shino: Ready! Sensei will you participate?

Kurenai: No, you three may fight them, I want to observe just how much each of you have grown. And don't worry if things do get tough I'll jump in and help.

Ku tossed four kunai's at Shino and Hinata who both quickly jumped up at the same time avoiding the weapons, somehow Ku appeared behind the two mid air and double kicked them toward the ground, like a ninja Hinata did a 180° twirl and landed both feet onto the ground. Shino softened his landing with his bugs, the second Ku' foot touched the ground, Shino launched a swarm of his bugs towards him but Ku with that one foot moved to the right coursing the bugs to miss.

Hinata activated her Byakugan and charged toward Ku firing multiple palm strikes that he kept on avoiding.

Ku: Weak!

Shino: He specializes in speed doesn't he?

Hinata: It would make the most sense since his so fast.

Meanwhile Y/n's clones have taken out seven of the stone clones while the stone clones have taken out four of his.

One of the stone clones tried to surprise punch Y/n but he quickly blocked it with his kunai, opening the gates for one of his clones to punch the stone clone coursing it to break into small pieces of rubble.

Y/n Clone: Yes

A Stone clone punched Y/n's clone coursing it to puff, Y/n tossed a kunai at the stone clone and it broke instantly.
The clones quickly moved back and regrouped with Y/n, now with six of them left and eleven stones clones remaining.

Y/n clone 1: What now?

Y/n: Well we can't use Taijutsu because we're bad at that, and also close combat is bad. Because when we attack with an up close move-

Y/n clone 5: -They attack back. So what are we supposed to do mister boss?

Y/n: Hey you guys are me as well think of an idea yourselves.

Y/n clone 3: Well Fine.

Y/n Clone 8: I got nothing

Y/n: Fine. I have one.

Y/n clone 3: Finally.

Y/n clone 2: What is it?

Y/n: Smoke bomb!

Y/n clone 7: Smoke bomb? Oh I see what you mean.

A dark cloud surrounds the entire area.


Clones: YEEEAAAH!!!

All the clones rush into the smoke and start fighting any thing close to them that is stone. A lot of movement is being done in the smoke and war cries are being released. Afterawhile, Y/n walked out with three clones following behind him. The smoke cleared and revealed no stone clones, only their rubble remains.

Y/n: Yes..

Y/n clone 2: Now our Teammates

Y/n clone 1: Which way are they again?

Y/n clone 2: These stupid trees are making it hard for us to find our way!

Y/n: What now?

Y/n clone 3: We could always go up.

Y/n clone 2: Good idea.

Y/n: And let's add on to that idea with you throwing me to them, so I could arrive faster.

Y/n clone 1: Sounds like a plan!

One of the clones used the other clones palm as a boost to go high up whilst holding Y/n by the foot. Mid air the clone quickly spotted their team fighting from the corner of their eye, the clone spun Y/n for two seconds and tossed him at their other foe.

Y/n clone 3: C'mon follow that flying

Y/n: Wind Release: Blade of Wind!

Ku in the middle of dodging noticed
Y/n rocketing towards him. He smirked and used his speed to lower his head sending Y/n face first into a tree, as he turned back to his opponent Hinata, she palmed him in the gut so hard he got knocked out.

Clones: Teamwork!!!

One of the three remaining clones rush towards Y/n and helped him up, they all high five then disappear.

Kurenai: They must've known were coming.

Y/n: So much for a surprise arrival.

Hinata: Then we should be on our guard

Shino: If they sent him that would mean he was their weakest ally, meaning there are members stronger than those two were.

Y/n: Shouldn't we be in disguises?

Kurenai: First Shino command your insects to take him home to the village I'll write a note to the hokage.

Shino: Yes mam!

Kurenai: Second yes Y/n we should, but we don't have anything to disguise ourselves with, then again they don't know how we look they only know we're leaf ninja, so everyone take off your headbands.


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